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An attempt to imitate vim marks in tmux.



Mark Pane

Mark a pane with prefix + key. This prefix is different from your tmux prefix and is used for marks only.
The default prefix is ALT+m
Check configuration for how to customize the prefix

Jump To Pane

ALT+key navigates to the pane marked by key. In addition you can set a jump prefix and navigate with prefix + key


Add the following to your list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @plugin 'jmsdrh/tmux-pane-marks'

Hit prefix + I to fetch and source the plugin. You should now be able to use the plugin!


Clone the repo:

➜ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-pane-marks

Source it in your .tmux.conf:

run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-pane-marks/tmux-pane-marks.tmux

Reload TMUX conf by running:

➜ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf


NB: Any options below must be set before sourcing the plugin

Set Mark Keys

As to not conflict with other key bindings in tmux or TUIs, the keys that can be used for marks must be specified.
Set the option @tmux_pane_marks_keys to specify the keys.


Make asdfg available as keys to be used as marks.

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_keys 'asdfg'

A full config with TPM might look something like this:

# some other  configurations

# make asdfgqwerty available as keys to be used for marks.
set -g @tmux_pane_marks_keys 'asdfgqwerty'

# some other  configurations

# List of plugins for TMUX plugin manager
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'jmsdrh/tmux-pane-marks'

# Initialize TMUX plugin manager (keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf)
run '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'

A full config for a manual install might look something like this:

# some other  configurations

# make asdfgqwerty available as keys to be used as marks.
set -g @tmux_pane_marks_keys 'asdfgqwerty'

# some other  configurations

run-shell ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux-pane-marks/tmux-pane-marks.tmux

Customize the prefix used to create marks

Set the option @tmux_pane_marks_prefix. Default is ALT+m


Make CTRL+h the prefix. CTRL-h + p marks the current pane with p

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_prefix 'C-h'

Make ALT+s the prefix. ALT-s + p marks the current pane with p

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_prefix 'M-s'

Customize modifier key used to jump to marks

Set the option @tmux_pane_marks_jumps_mod . Default is ALT


Make CTRL the modifier. CTRL + p jumps to pane marked p

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_jumps_mod 'C'

Add prefix for jumping to marks

Set the option @tmux_pane_marks_jumps_prefix. No default set. If this option is set then it is used to jump to marks instead of modifier key It scopes all jumps to any prefix key combination chosen


Make ALT+n prefix for jumps. ALT-n + p jumps to pane marked p

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_jumps_prefix 'M-n'

Add previous mark key for jumping to last active mark

Set the option @tmux_pane_marks_alternate_mark_key. No default set.


Make ; a mark for previously active marked pane.

set -g @tmux_pane_marks_alternate_mark_key '\;'