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Update sphinx to 4.0.3 #436

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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Jul 6, 2021

This PR updates sphinx from 3.4.3 to 4.0.3.




Features added

* C, add C23 keywords ``_Decimal32``, ``_Decimal64``, and ``_Decimal128``.
* 9354: C, add :confval:`c_extra_keywords` to allow user-defined keywords
during parsing.
* Revert the removal of ``sphinx.util:force_decode()`` to become some 3rd party
extensions available again during 5.0

Bugs fixed

* 9330: changeset domain: :rst:dir:`versionchanged` with contents being a list
will cause error during pdf build
* 9313: LaTeX: complex table with merged cells broken since 4.0
* 9305: LaTeX: backslash may cause Improper discretionary list pdf build error
with Japanese engines
* 9354: C, remove special macro names from the keyword list.
See also :confval:`c_extra_keywords`.
* 9322: KeyError is raised on PropagateDescDomain transform




* 9216: Support jinja2-3.0

Incompatible changes

* 9222: Update Underscore.js to 1.13.1
* 9217: manpage: Stop creating a section directory on build manpage by default
(see :confval:`man_make_section_directory`)

Bugs fixed

* 9210: viewcode: crashed if non importable modules found on parallel build
* 9240: Unknown node error for pending_xref_condition is raised if an extension
that does not support the node installs a missing-reference handler



Bugs fixed

* 9189: autodoc: crashed when ValueError is raised on generating signature
from a property of the class
* 9188: autosummary: warning is emitted if list value is set to
* 8380: html search: tags for search result are broken
* 9198: i18n: Babel emits errors when running compile_catalog
* 9205: py domain: The :canonical: option causes "more than one target for
cross-reference" warning
* 9201: websupport: UndefinedError is raised: 'css_tag' is undefined





* 9167: html: Failed to add CSS files to the specific page


* C, C++, fix ``KeyError`` when an ``alias`` directive is the first C/C++
directive in a file with another C/C++ directive later.


* 8917: autodoc: Raises a warning if function has wrong __globals__ value
* 8415: autodoc: a TypeVar imported from other module is not resolved (in
Python 3.7 or above)
* 8992: autodoc: Failed to resolve types.TracebackType type annotation
* 8905: html: html_add_permalinks=None and html_add_permalinks="" are ignored
* 8380: html search: Paragraphs in search results are not identified as ``<p>``
* 8915: html theme: The translation of sphinx_rtd_theme does not work
* 8342: Emit a warning if a unknown domain is given for directive or role (ex.
* 7241: LaTeX: No wrapping for ``cpp:enumerator``
* 8711: LaTeX: backticks in code-blocks trigger latexpdf build warning (and font
change) with late TeXLive 2019
* 8253: LaTeX: Figures with no size defined get overscaled (compared to images
with size explicitly set in pixels) (fixed for ``'pdflatex'/'lualatex'`` only)
* 8881: LaTeX: The depth of bookmarks panel in PDF is not enough for navigation
* 8874: LaTeX: the fix to two minor Pygments LaTeXFormatter output issues ignore
Pygments style
* 8925: LaTeX: 3.5.0 ``verbatimmaxunderfull`` setting does not work as
* 8980: LaTeX: missing line break in ``\pysigline``
* 8995: LaTeX: legacy ``\pysiglinewithargsret`` does not compute correctly
available  horizontal space and should use a ragged right style
* 9009: LaTeX: "release" value with underscore leads to invalid LaTeX
* 8911: C++: remove the longest matching prefix in
:confval:`cpp_index_common_prefix` instead of the first that matches.
* C, properly reject function declarations when a keyword is used
as parameter name.
* 8933: viewcode: Failed to create back-links on parallel build
* 8960: C and C++, fix rendering of (member) function pointer types in
function parameter lists.
* C++, fix linking of names in array declarators, pointer to member
(function) declarators, and in the argument to ``sizeof...``.
* C, fix linking of names in array declarators.






* 9071: Restrict docutils to 0.16

Bugs fixed

* 9078: autodoc: Async staticmethods and classmethods are considered as non
async coroutine-functions with Python3.10
* 8870, 9001, 9051: html theme: The style are not applied with docutils-0.17

- toctree captions
- The content of ``sidebar`` directive
- figures



Features added

* 8959: using UNIX path separator in image directive confuses Sphinx on Windows



Bugs fixed

* 8943: i18n: Crashed by broken translation messages in ES, EL and HR
* 8936: LaTeX: A custom LaTeX builder fails with unknown node error
* 8952: Exceptions raised in a Directive cause parallel builds to hang



Bugs fixed

* 8883: autodoc: AttributeError is raised on assigning __annotations__ on
read-only class
* 8884: html: minified js stemmers not included in the distributed package
* 8885: html: AttributeError is raised if CSS/JS files are installed via
* 8880: viewcode: ExtensionError is raised on incremental build after
unparsable python module found




* LaTeX: ``multicol`` (it is anyhow a required part of the official latex2e
base distribution)

Incompatible changes

* Update Underscore.js to 1.12.0
* 6550: html: The config variable ``html_add_permalinks`` is replaced by
:confval:`html_permalinks` and :confval:`html_permalinks_icon`


* pending_xref node for viewcode extension
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.AttributeDocumenter.isinstanceattribute()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.directive.DocumenterBridge.reporter``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.get_module_members()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()``
* ``sphinx.writers.html.HTMLTranslator.permalink_text``
* ``sphinx.writers.html5.HTML5Translator.permalink_text``

Features added

* 8022: autodoc: autodata and autoattribute directives does not show right-hand
value of the variable if docstring contains ``:meta hide-value:`` in
* 8514: autodoc: Default values of overloaded functions are taken from actual
implementation if they're ellipsis
* 8775: autodoc: Support type union operator (PEP-604) in Python 3.10 or above
* 8297: autodoc: Allow to extend :confval:`autodoc_default_options` via
directive options
* 759: autodoc: Add a new configuration :confval:`autodoc_preserve_defaults` as
an experimental feature.  It preserves the default argument values of
functions in source code and keep them not evaluated for readability.
* 8619: html: kbd role generates customizable HTML tags for compound keys
* 8634: html: Allow to change the order of JS/CSS via ``priority`` parameter
for :meth:`Sphinx.add_js_file()` and :meth:`Sphinx.add_css_file()`
* 6241: html: Allow to add JS/CSS files to the specific page when an extension
calls ``app.add_js_file()`` or ``app.add_css_file()`` on
:event:`html-page-context` event
* 6550: html: Allow to use HTML permalink texts via
* 1638: html: Add permalink icons to glossary terms
* 8868: html search: performance issue with massive lists
* 8867: html search: Update JavaScript stemmer code to the latest version of
Snowball (v2.1.0)
* 8852: i18n: Allow to translate heading syntax in MyST-Parser
* 8649: imgconverter: Skip availability check if builder supports the image
* 8573: napoleon: Allow to change the style of custom sections using
* 8004: napoleon: Type definitions in Google style docstrings are rendered as
references when :confval:`napoleon_preprocess_types` enabled
* 6241: mathjax: Include mathjax.js only on the document using equations
* 8775: py domain: Support type union operator (PEP-604)
* 8651: std domain: cross-reference for a rubric having inline item is broken
* 7642: std domain: Optimize case-insensitive match of term
* 8681: viewcode: Support incremental build
* 8132: Add :confval:`project_copyright` as an alias of :confval:`copyright`
* 207: Now :confval:`highlight_language` supports multiple languages
* 2030: :rst:dir:`code-block` and :rst:dir:`literalinclude` supports automatic
dedent via no-argument ``:dedent:`` option
* C++, also hyperlink operator overloads in expressions and alias declarations.
* 8247: Allow production lists to refer to tokens from other production groups
* 8813: Show what extension (or module) caused it on errors on event handler
* 8213: C++: add ``maxdepth`` option to :rst:dir:`cpp:alias` to insert nested
* C, add ``noroot`` option to :rst:dir:`c:alias` to render only nested
* C++, add ``noroot`` option to :rst:dir:`cpp:alias` to render only nested

Bugs fixed

* 8727: apidoc: namespace module file is not generated if no submodules there
* 741: autodoc: inherited-members doesn't work for instance attributes on super
* 8592: autodoc: ``:meta public:`` does not effect to variables
* 8594: autodoc: empty __all__ attribute is ignored
* 8315: autodoc: Failed to resolve struct.Struct type annotation
* 8652: autodoc: All variable comments in the module are ignored if the module
contains invalid type comments
* 8693: autodoc: Default values for overloaded functions are rendered as string
* 8134: autodoc: crashes when mocked decorator takes arguments
* 8800: autodoc: Uninitialized attributes in superclass are recognized as
* 8655: autodoc: Failed to generate document if target module contains an
object that raises an exception on ``hasattr()``
* 8306: autosummary: mocked modules are documented as empty page when using
:recursive: option
* 8232: graphviz: Image node is not rendered if graph file is in subdirectory
* 8618: html: kbd role produces incorrect HTML when compound-key separators (-,
+ or ^) are used as keystrokes
* 8629: html: A type warning for html_use_opensearch is shown twice
* 8714: html: kbd role with "Caps Lock" rendered incorrectly
* 8123: html search: fix searching for terms containing + (Requires a custom
search language that does not split on +)
* 8665: html theme: Could not override globaltoc_maxdepth in theme.conf
* 8446: html: consecutive spaces are displayed as single space
* 8745: i18n: crashes with KeyError when translation message adds a new auto
footnote reference
* 4304: linkcheck: Fix race condition that could lead to checking the
availability of the same URL twice
* 8791: linkcheck: The docname for each hyperlink is not displayed
* 7118: sphinx-quickstart: questionare got Mojibake if libreadline unavailable
* 8094: texinfo: image files on the different directory with document are not
* 8782: todo: Cross references in todolist get broken
* 8720: viewcode: module pages are generated for epub on incremental build
* 8704: viewcode: anchors are generated in incremental build after singlehtml
* 8756: viewcode: highlighted code is generated even if not referenced
* 8671: :confval:`highlight_options` is not working
* 8341: C, fix intersphinx lookup types for names in declarations.
* C, C++: in general fix intersphinx and role lookup types.
* 8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` does not support UTC offset (%z)
* 8683: :confval:`html_last_updated_fmt` generates wrong time zone for %Z
* 1112: ``download`` role creates duplicated copies when relative path is
* 2616 (fifth item): LaTeX: footnotes from captions are not clickable,
and for manually numbered footnotes only first one with same number is
an hyperlink
* 7576: LaTeX with French babel and memoir crash: "Illegal parameter number
in definition of ``\FNHprefntext``"
* 8055: LaTeX (docs): A potential display bug with the LaTeX generation step
in Sphinx (how to generate one-column index)
* 8072: LaTeX: Directive :rst:dir:`hlist` not implemented in LaTeX
* 8214: LaTeX: The :rst:role:`index` role and the glossary generate duplicate
entries in the LaTeX index (if both used for same term)
* 8735: LaTeX: wrong internal links in pdf to captioned code-blocks when
:confval:`numfig` is not True
* 8442: LaTeX: some indexed terms are ignored when using xelatex engine
(or pdflatex and :confval:`latex_use_xindy` set to True) with memoir class
* 8750: LaTeX: URLs as footnotes fail to show in PDF if originating from
inside function type signatures
* 8780: LaTeX: long words in narrow columns may not be hyphenated
* 8788: LaTeX: ``\titleformat`` last argument in sphinx.sty should be
bracketed, not braced (and is anyhow not needed) 
* 8849: LaTex: code-block printed out of margin (see the opt-in LaTeX syntax
boolean :ref:`verbatimforcewraps <latexsphinxsetupforcewraps>` for use via
the :ref:`'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>` key of ``latex_elements``)
* 8183: LaTeX: Remove substitution_reference nodes from doctree only on LaTeX
* 8865: LaTeX: Restructure the index nodes inside title nodes only on LaTeX
* 8796: LaTeX: potentially critical low level TeX coding mistake has gone
unnoticed so far
* C, :rst:dir:`c:alias` skip symbols without explicit declarations
instead of crashing.
* C, :rst:dir:`c:alias` give a warning when the root symbol is not declared.
* C, ``expr`` role should start symbol lookup in the current scope.

@pyup-bot pyup-bot mentioned this pull request Jul 6, 2021
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Closing this in favor of #438

@pyup-bot pyup-bot closed this Jul 12, 2021
@jmuelbert jmuelbert deleted the pyup-update-sphinx-3.4.3-to-4.0.3 branch July 12, 2021 02:46
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