speed dust effect extra space props: comets, astroid belts, quasars, pulsars make camera a class object recalculate temperatures
- Galaxy: everything in the universe
- Entity: a collection of systems, nebulas or other objects in the galaxy
- Nebula: a colored cloud in the galaxy, used for decoration
- Body: a star, black hole, sub star, planet or moon
- System: a visitable star, collection of multinary stars, or black hole and everything orbitting around it
- BlackHole: a huge, black, light-absorbing star
- Star: a single big, hot, light ball of flames
- SubStar: a smaller star orbitting a super or hyper giant star, or a large star orbitting a black hole
- Globe: a planet or a moon
- Planet: a body, orbitting a star or sub star
- Moon: a body, orbitting a planet
[MainStar] [SubStar]
| ______/ |
| / |
[Star] [Globe]
Galaxy¹ ----> Entityⁿ
Entity¹ ----> Nebula¹ | System¹
System¹ ----> BlackHoleⁿ | MainStarⁿ
BlackHole¹ -> SubStarⁿ
MainStar¹ --> SunStarⁿ | Globeⁿ
SubStar¹ ---> Globeⁿ
Globe¹ -----> Globeⁿ