[Add application description]
First and foremost your project and its dependencies require Node and npm and Git to be installed.
- Change to Betfair's own internal npm repository
npm config set registry http://registry.npm.dev.betfair
- Go to the project's root directory.
cd /<working-directory>/bf-website
- Install project dependencies.
npm install
The project comes with a sandbox that allows it to run independently. You can run your app using the following command:
gulp serve
There are a few tasks that might be useful during the development stages.
Check code syntax and other errors
gulp eslint
Run unit tests continuously
gulp test
Run functional tests continuously
gulp functional
Create ng-docs
on the methods
gulp ngdocs
Create a dist
version of the bundle, placed on the ./dist/
gulp dist
Release a new version of the module
- Major Release
gulp release --type major
- Minor Release
gulp release --type minor
- Patch Release
gulp release --type patch
In order to locally use the sandbox successfully the module dependencies below must be mocked.
[Add the modules dependencies. Remove if not applicable.]
- Set the module as an application dependency by adding it to its package.json file.
"dependencies": {
"bfWebsite": "^version"
- Add the module to the list of modules your application depends on
angular.module('myApp', ['BF.Website'])
- Add the directive to an html file