Documentation is under construction, and is available here.
Skylight works with any spacetime geometry, without the constraints of specific symmetries or the assumption of asymptotic flatness. It is designed with the following goals in mind:
- Fast computational speed
- High accuracy
- Easy extensibility to user-defined spacetimes and radiative models
It uses automatic differentiation with ForwardDiff.jl to compute the Christoffel symbols from the spacetime metric, and has built-in multithreading parallelism. The integration of the equations is performed with DifferentialEquations.jl.
For a quick start guide, see Getting started.
- Minkowski spacetime
- Schwarzschild spacetime
- Kerr spacetime
- Johannsen spacetime
- f(R)-Kerr spacetime
- Ruffini-Argüelles-Rueda spacetime for fermionic dark matter
- Boson star spacetimes with quartic self-interaction and solitonic potentials
- Extensibility to user-defined spacetimes
- Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk
- Novikov-Thorne accretion disk
- Ion tori with synchrotron and bremsstrahlung emission
- Geometrically-thin optically-thick accretion disks with user-provided tabulated temperatures
- Line emission from accretion disks with user-provided emissivity profiles
- Lamppost corona emission and accretion disk illumination profiles
- Circular hot spots on the surface of a neutron star
- Extensibility to user-defined radiative models
- Spacetime metrics, inverse metrics, volume elements, Christoffel symbols, etc.
- Four-vector scalar products, index raising/lowering, orthogonal projection, normalization, etc.
- Constants of motion in spacetimes with symmetries
- Characteristic radii, like event horizons, ISCOs, etc.
- Spacetime geodesics integration
- Radiative transfer in vacuum and in emissive/absorptive media
- Bolometric and specific intensities
- Fluxes through arbitrarily oriented surface elements
- Images and spectra
- Generic observation frames (any position and four-velocity)
- Loading/saving data and configurations from/to HDF5 files
- Units and dimensions management
- Julia version at least 1.6
The package is not yet available in the Julia registries. To install it, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open the Julia REPL and enter package mode by typing
. - Add Skylight to your Pkg environment:
dev \path\to\the\repository
- Exit package mode with
Ctrl + C
and import Skylight:using Skylight
├── docs # Documentation files
├── run # Example scripts and notebooks to run the code
├── src # Source files
├── test # Test files
│ ├── benchmarks # Load and stress tests
│ ├── integration # End-to-end, integration tests
│ └── unit # Unit tests
- In your terminal, go to the package directory
- Open the Julia REPL
- Go to the package mode by typing
- Activate the package environment by running the command
activate .
- In the package mode, run the command
If you use this software in your work, we kindly request that you cite the following paper
title={Skylight: a new code for general-relativistic ray-tracing and radiative transfer in arbitrary space--times},
author={Pelle, Joaquin and Reula, Oscar and Carrasco, Federico and Bederian, Carlos},
journal={Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},
publisher={Oxford University Press}