Click to open the UpVote app hosted on Heroku
Click here to open the related Back-End API supporting this Front-End
- About the Project
- Purpose
- Installation
- Database
- Testing
- Roadmap
- Running Tests
- Contact
- Acknowledgements
UpVote is an interactive Rails web application built from conception to completion that authenticates with a third-party service (GitHub), consumes the Upsplash API, and provides a solution to an identified problem.
Object Oriented Programing principles, Restful Routing, Test Driven Development, Behavior Driven Development, Authenticated API calls, OAuth process
- Clone down this and the micro-service repo into a directory of your choice
$ git clone
$ git clone
- Change into the following directory
$ cd upvote_ui
- Install the gem packages
$ bundle install
- Change into the other directory
$ cd upvote_api
- Install the gem packages
$ bundle install
- Set up the database
$ rake db:{create,migrate,seed}
- Launch your local server
$ rails s
- In a separate terminal tab, run the upvote_ui
$ cd upvote_ui
$ puma
- Finally, visit
in your web browser
Environment variables and required API keys/tokens:
- GitHub client_id defined as
- GitHub client_secret defined as
- Ruby 2.6.3
- Rails 6.0.2
Run the full test suite:
$ bundle exec rspec
Run a single test file:
$ bundle exec rspec <path-to-file>