Empty repo to Java AWS Lambda
- Create git repo on AWS CodeCommit
- Add SSH key to AWS IAM user
- Add policies to AWS IAM user:
- IAMUserSSHKeys
- IAMReadOnlyAccess
- AWSCodeCommitFullAccess
- git clone, open in IntelliJ
- create readme.md ;)
- create .gitignore
- Setup Java project
- get gradle wrapper
- setup build.gradle
- add java code
- reopen into intellij to make gradle project
- Setup AWS files that live in git
- Create bucket in s3
- Add CloudFormation input template
- Add buildspec.yml
- add aws cloudformation install command that produces output template
- include output template in artifact
- Create new role in AWS IAM
- Role Type: AWS CloudFormation
- Attach Policy: AWS Lambda Execute
- Inline Custom Role Policy
- copy from aws/cloudformation-role-policy.json
- from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/automating-deployment.html
- replace account-id and region, from upper right in aws console header
- account-id=061121813127
- region=us-east-1
- Create pipeline in AWS CodePipeline
- Link to AWS CodeCommit repo
- Create AWS CodeBuild project
- Use AWS CodeBuild image: aws/codebuild/java:openjdk-8
- Deployment provider AWS CloudFormation
- Create or replace change set
- template file = output template in #6
- Use role in #7 for pipeline role
- Create new IAM role for AWS Service Role
- Pipeline will automatically run.
- If it doesn't succeed (maybe some yml files not checked in) the pipeline won't be configured correctly (!)
- Modify pipeline, modify Beta stage
- Add action below
- Deploy
- Delpoyment provider: AWS CloudFormation
- Action Mode: Execute a Change Set
Open questions
- aws cloudformation package command executed appears to upload to s3. how does this differ from files present in buildspec.yml?