- chrome
- sublime or other editor
- Create a new account (or use old) github.com
- You'll need to do email confirmation for new accounts
Go to lab repo and fork: https://github.com/trevcor/slalomLab
Check if you already have git installed
git —version
- mac 10.11.1 will prompt you to install git if it’s missing
- if you arent prompted use http://git-scm.com/download/mac
- in terminal cd into your workspace
git clone <forked repo>
- cd into directory
- Create develop branch and set active branch to develop
git branch develop
git checkout develop
- Push your new branch up to GitHub
git push origin develop
- Setup SSH keys https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/
- see if node and npm are installed
node -v
npm -v
- go to https://nodejs.org/en/ to install. Download the LTS version.
- CHECK usr/local permissions! This can be a source of lots of node pain
cd /usr
ls -l
- if /usr/local is not owned by your user then you can’t install global node packages!
- I changed ownership of the usr/local directory but I don't think that is the best approach.
sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local
- You will be better off just configuring npm to install global packages in a different location.
- Create a new directory in your user space
mkdir ~/npm
- Configure npm to use the new directory
npm config set prefix ~/npm
- Add the new location to your $PATH
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/npm/bin (this only updates the path for the open shell)!!!!
- install into default /usr/local
- make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH
echo $PATH
- install npm dependencies
npm install
We use gulp to run our javascript builds and tests.
- install global gulp. first test if installed.
gulp —version
npm install -g gulp
Bower helps us manage our client side runtime dependencies.
- install bower globally
bower --version
npm install -g bower
- run a bower install
cd app
bower install
cd ../
- Now we can start the node server to run the app. You'll need to open another terminal after starting node.
node server.js
- We can also run unit tests
gulp test-unit
- run gulp dev watcher
gulp dev
- save a code change and see tests run
Create a Pivotal Web Services account: https://console.run.pivotal.io/register
You'll need to confirm your email address AND phone number. You can't use the same number twice! Create a google voice number if you need a new account.
Create an org name
Create a space using the UI
Download and install the cli if you don't already have it installed.
Test if the cli installed correctly
cf --version
- Login to your space
cf login -a https://api.run.pivotal.io
Enter credentials into cli
Update your manifest file. Each app has a manifest which describes hwo the app should run. Each app needs a unique name so open up the manifest.yml file and add your name to the app name property.
Push app to your space
cf push
- Navigate to . You can find the link in your Cloud Foundry dashboard.
Login to our Jenkins server.
Credentials in the chat room.
Create a new item. Start the job name with your last name and select freestyle project.
Scroll down to "Source Code Management" and add your repo to the job.
Add the develop branch
Test the build and make sure you can resolve the repo.
Now we can add a build step. We will just use a Shell script step. We already have a build shell script in our repo. This will run the gulp ci task as well as our npm tasks.
sh -x -e build-script.sh
- Configure test report outputs. Scroll down to post build actions and add "Publish Junit test result report". Enter "report/**/*.xml". This will pull in all test reports in the workspace. Run another build and you should have a test result link on your jobs homepage.
- Open /app/product/product.controller.spec.js in your editor.
- Change line #36 to run the broken test (remove the "x")
- Run the unit test locally and look at the output
- Commit the broken test and run another jenkins build and notice the FAIL.
Go back to your Jenkins job config
Select "Trigger builds remotely"
Add a simple token ("1234")
Now go back to your GitHub repo in the browser.
On the right side click "Settings"
Then click "Webhooks and Services"<jobname>/build?token=<token>
Click save
Make a text change to your Readme file, commit, and push it up to test your hook. You should see the jenkins job start.
- install protractor globally
npm install -g protractor
webdriver-manager update