###OpenAPS System Development Phases
This documentation is organized into a series of phases that progressively build upon the openaps development tools towards a working OpenAPS system. The phases are as follows, you will have to read through these several times:
Phase 0: General Setup
Get the equipment you need; record baseline data, configure your hardware, install software, and become familiar with the openaps environment -
Phase 1: Logging, Cleaning, and Analyzing Your Data
Create or utilize tools for logging and analyzing pump and CGM data -
Phase 2: Creating an Open Loop
Use the logged data with oref0 tools to suggest insulin dose adjustments in an "open loop"; review and refine algorithms, test different scenarios for safety, prepare for creating a loop and implementing retry logic -
Phase 3: Understanding Your Open Loop
Analyze the basal recommendations that are outputted from your system; run in a test environment for multiple days to configure safety settings that are right for you. -
Phase 4: Starting to Close the Loop
Apply the recommendations automatically and in real time by creating a schedule and continuing to validate and assess outputs; beginning with a simple "low glucose suspend"-type mode for several days, tweaking settings and validating setup before moving forward. -
Phase 5: Tuning the Closed Loop
Moving beyond low glucose suspend mode, work through tuning your targets -
Phase 6: Iterate and Improve the Closed Loop
At the end of the previous stages and after 3 consecutive nights with no hardware failures and at least 1 night without low alarms, you can move into advanced features like meal-assist and auto-sensitivity tuning. Also improve the functionality of the system with additional software or hardware development
Below is an overview of all content linked inside of this document repository. You may also find this guide to getting started with openaps commands (not yet linked below) useful.
- Introduction
- Walkthrough
- Phase 0: General Setup
- Phase 1: Logging, Cleaning, and Analyzing Your Data
- Phase 2: Build a Manual System
- Phase 2: Creating an Open Loop
- Configuring and Learning to Use openaps Tools
- Building preflight and other safety checks
- Add the oref0 Virtual Devices
- Organizing the reports
- The get-profile process
- The calculate-iob process
- The determine-basal process
- Adding aliases
- Checking your reports
- Enacting the suggested action
- Cleaning CGM data from Minimed CGM systems
- Running an open loop with oref0
- Phase 3: Automation
- Phase 4: Iterate and Improve
- Phase 5: Tuning the Closed Loop
- Phase 6: Iterate and Improve the Closed Loop
- Resources