Library to help you use amqp RPC on easy way.
To install randomstring, use npm:
npm install node_amqp_rpc
const amqp_api = require('node_amqp_rpc');
(async () => {
const amqp = await amqp_api.quickStart( 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/');
const queueName = 'hello.word';
amqp.onRPC( queueName, ( data, send) => {
console.log( data);
// { value: 'hello world' }
send( { value: 'consumer say hello to you' });
const data = { value: 'hello world' };
const result = await amqp.callRPC( queueName, data);
console.log( result);
// { value: 'consumer say hello to you' }
const amqp_api = require('node_amqp_rpc');
(async () => {
const amqp = new amqp_api({
host : 'localhost',
port : 5672,
user : 'guest',
password : 'guest',
vhost : '/'
await amqp.init();
const queueName = 'hello.word';
const data = { value: 'hello world' };
const result = await amqp.callRPC( queueName, data);
console.log( result);
// { value: 'consumer say hello to you' }
const amqp_api = require('node_amqp_rpc');
(async () => {
const amqp = new amqp_api({
host : 'localhost',
port : 5672,
user : 'guest',
password : 'guest',
vhost : '/'
await amqp.init();
const queueName = 'hello.word';
amqp.onRPC( queueName, ( data, send) => {
console.log( data);
// { value: 'hello world' }
send( { value: 'consumer say hello to you' });
- constructor ( Object | String )
- host - Your amqp server address ( Type: String || default: localhost)
- port - AMQP server port( Type: Integer || default: 5672 )
- user - The amqp account which you want to login ( Type: String )
- password - password ( Type: String )
- vhost - Virtual Hosts( Type: String || default: / )
- amqp[s]://[user:password@]hostname[:port][/vhost]
- ex. amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
()- Need to be execute before callRPC and onRPC
( QueueName, Data, Timeout )QueueName
( String | Required )- queue name
( Object | Required )- data you want to send
( Integer | Option | Default: 30 )- timeout seconds
( QueueName, DoSomething )QueueName
( String | Required )- queue name
( Function | Required )- Receives the following arguments
- data ( Object )
- send ( Function )
- Receives the following arguments
( Object | String )Object
- host - Your amqp server address ( Type: String || default: localhost)
- port - AMQP server port( Type: Integer || default: 5672 )
- user - The amqp account which you want to login ( Type: String )
- password - password ( Type: String )
- vhost - Virtual Hosts( Type: String || default: / )
- amqp[s]://[user:password@]hostname[:port][/vhost]
- ex. amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
( exchange, routingKey, Data)exchange
( String | Required )routingKey
( String | Required )Data
( Object | Required )- data you want to send
()- Close amqp connection
- v1.0.0
- Publish.
- v2.0.0
- Turn library in to ES6 Classes.
- Connection config field 'pass' rename to 'password'.
- Set default value for field ( host, port ).
- v2.1.0
- Add quickStart method.
- Add connection close method.
- accept amqp url to start connection.
- v2.2.0
- Support multi connection
- v2.3.0
- Add callPublish method.
node_amqp_rpc is licensed under the MIT license.