Curated list of Wikidata Projects
- Wikidata - Official website of Wikidata.
- Wikidata Items - Describing any information on Wikidata.
- Wikidata Statements - Use of statements to describe any information on Wikidata.
- Sources - Use of sources to support claims on statements
- Wikidata Properties - Properties to use for describing any information on Wikidata.
- Wikidata Property Constraints - Constraints and limits on the properties.
- Wikidata Qualifiers - Additional context to properties used in statements.
- Wikidata Ranking - Ranking for multiple values in statement
- Wikidata Lexicographical data - Representation of lexicographical information of a lanugage.
- Wikidata Data Model - Data model for storing information on Wikidata
- RDF Dump Format - Format for a RDF Data dump
- Wikidata SPARQL query service - Service to query and visualize Wikidata entities.
- Machine learning model for adding instance of and subclass of - Huggingface model based on DistilBERT
- Wikimedia Quarry - SQL query interface for Wikidata and Wikimedia projects
- Wikidata Mediawiki API - API to access and manipulate Wikidata entities
- Wikidata REST API - REST API to access and manipulate Wikidata entities
Tools for accessing and updating Wikidata.
- 🖥 available on PC desktop
- 📱 available on mobile phones
Web-based tools
- Harvest Templates - 🖥 Extracting information from templates on Wikimedia projects and adding them on Wikidata
- Mix-n-match - 🖥 Match and link entries of external databases to Wikidata entities
- OpenRefine - 🖥 Align datasets with Wikidata entities
- Ordia - 🖥 📱 Access lexicographical information on Wikidata
- QuickStatements - 🖥 Addition and removal of statements on Wikidata
- Scholia - 🖥 📱 Access scholarly information on Wikidata
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms - 🖥 📱 Add lexicographical information on Wikidata
- Propbrowse - 🖥 Browse and view all properties on Wikidata
- inteGraality - 🖥 Dashboards for usage of Wikidata Properties
- SQID - 🖥 Browse and query Wikidata
- WDProp - 🖥 📱 Explore translation information of Wikidata properties
- PetScan - 🖥 Extracting information from templates of Wikimedia projects and possibly add them to Wikidata
- Wikidata Image Positions - 🖥 View the relative position of depicted entities on images or named places on maps.
- Makesense - 🖥 Add senses to Lexemes
- Massviews Analysis - 🖥 📱 Analysis of views of Wikidata (and other Wikimedia projects)
- Wikidata file candidates - 🖥 📱 Link potential images coming from Wikimedia commons to Wikidata
- Free Image Search Tool - 🖥 Add images from Wikidata to Wikimedia projects
- Wikidata Free Image Search Tool - 🖥 Add images on Wikidata
- Cradle - 🖥 Create Wikidata items using forms
- Structured Search - 🖥 📱 Search images of Wikidata items on Wikimedia projects
- QLever - 🖥 Very fast SPARQL Engine using Wikidata data dumps
- YASHE (Yet Another ShEx Editor) -🖥 ShEx editor
- Wikidata Shape Expressions Inference -🖥automatically infers ShEx schemas from a set of Wikidata items
- EntitySchema Generator -🖥 Generate Entity Schemas
- ShExStatements - 🖥 Tool for creating Entity Schemas from CSV files
- ESGen[EntitySchema Generator] - 🖥Generate entity schemas for a class based on its instances
Command-line based tools.
- wikibase-cli - 🖥 Access Wikidata information
Libraries for accessing and updating Wikidata.
- Pywikibot - 🖥 Access and modify information on Wikidata
- WikidataIntegrator - 🖥 Access and modify information on Wikidata