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Mutable bindings...
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tom committed Sep 19, 2020
1 parent a542ab2 commit 5b18289
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 0 deletions.
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions src/sci/impl/fns.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,94 @@
^clojure.lang.ISeq (.next)

(deftype cowmap [^java.util.HashMap entries _meta]
(get [this k] (.get entries k))
;;We allow mutable updates through this path...shh
(put [this k v] (.put entries k v))
(containsKey [this k] (.containsKey entries k))
(valAt [this k] (.get entries k))
(valAt [this k not-found] (.getOrDefault entries k not-found))
(entryAt [this k]
(let [v (.valAt this k ::not-found)]
(when-not (identical? v ::not-found)
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. k v))))
(assoc [this k v]
(with-meta (.assoc ^clojure.lang.Associative (into {} entries) k v) _meta))
(without [this k]
(if (.containsKey this k)
(with-meta (.without ^clojure.lang.IPersistentMap (into {} entries) k) _meta)
(cons [this kv]
(.assoc this (first kv) (second kv)))
(empty [this] (cowmap. (java.util.HashMap.) {}))
(seq [this] (for [[k v] (seq entries)]
(clojure.lang.MapEntry. k v)))
(meta [this] _meta)
(withMeta [this m] (cowmap. entries m))
(count [this] (.size entries))

;;probably bad for multithreaded, but should be good for single?
(defn bindings-ctx [ctx fn-name params macro?]
(let [n (count params)
outer-binds (.get ^java.util.Map ctx :bindings)
binds (cowmap. (java.util.HashMap. n) {})
outer (assoc ctx :bindings binds)
init-params (seq params)] ;;naive, need to destructure
(fn [args]
(loop [^clojure.lang.ISeq args* (seq args) ;;seems avoidable...
^clojure.lang.ISeq params init-params
^java.util.Map ret binds]
(if params
(let [fp (.first params)]
(if (identical? '& fp) ;;should be faster
(doto ret (.put (fast-second params) args*))
(do (when-not args*
(throw-arity fn-name macro? args))
(recur (.next args*) (.next params)
(doto ret (.put fp (.first args*)))))))
(when args*
(throw-arity fn-name macro? args))

(defn parse-fn-args+body
[^clojure.lang.Associative ctx interpret eval-do*
{:sci.impl/keys [fixed-arity var-arg-name params body] :as _m}
fn-name macro? with-meta?]
(let [min-var-args-arity (when var-arg-name fixed-arity)
load-binds! (bindings-ctx ctx fn-name params macro?)
;;lifted out, probably minor, but on repeat invocations it'll
;;add up...
return (if (= 1 (count body))
(let [x (first body)]
#(interpret % x)
#(eval-do* % body)))
f (fn run-fn [& args]
(let [ret (-> args load-binds! return)
recur? (instance? Recur ret)]
(if recur?
(let [recur-val (t/getVal ret)]
(if min-var-args-arity
(let [[fixed-args [rest-args]]
[(subvec recur-val 0 min-var-args-arity)
(subvec recur-val min-var-args-arity)]]
(recur (into fixed-args rest-args)))
(recur recur-val)))
(if with-meta?
(if min-var-args-arity
{:sci.impl/min-var-args-arity min-var-args-arity}
{:sci.impl/fixed-arity fixed-arity}))

(defn parse-fn-args+body
[^clojure.lang.Associative ctx interpret eval-do*
{:sci.impl/keys [fixed-arity var-arg-name params body] :as _m}
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