composer install
symfony server:start
Make a http POST
request with a client of your choice on http://localhost:8000/books
"title": "Advaned Web Application Infrastructure",
"description": "The missing manual for making your web applications future-proof",
"author": "Matthias Noback",
"isbn": 9789082120165,
"links": [
"href": "",
"title": ""
First we have a simple App\Controller\CreateBookController
to create a book via POST
on /books
The request data is validated and serialized to the CreateBookDto via the App\Valinor\ValinorResolver
The resolver validates the structure first, then serializes the data into the specified DTO class and finally
validates the content via the symfony validator.
Any structural or content related errors are collected and then thrown as MappingError or ViolationException.
These Exceptions are translated to corresponding HTTP error responses in the App\Valinor\ValinorExceptionListener
The whole example comes with functional tests using snapshot files, which give good impressions over the actual
responses this approach produces. snapshot files stored at tests/Functional/__snapshots__/
Tests can be executed via