This is a package to provide a completion-style
to Emacs that is able to
leverage flx as well as various other
libraries such as fzf-native
to provide intelligent scoring and sorting.
This package is intended to be used with packages that leverage
, e.g. completing-read
and completion-at-point-functions
It is usable with icomplete
(as well as fido-mode
), selectrum
, corfu
, helm
and company-mode
It is not currently usable with ido
which doesn’t support
and has its own sorting and filtering system.
support can be somewhat baked in following but the
performance gains may not be as high as the other completion-read
M-x package-install RET fussy RET
Or clone / download this repository and modify your load-path
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/fussy/" user-emacs-directory))
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . ""))
(require 'package)
(unless (package-installed-p 'fussy)
(package-install 'fussy))
(use-package fussy
:ensure t
defaults to flx for scoring matches
but it has the most integration with fzf-native.
Additional (listed below) scoring libraries can also be used.
flx is a dependency of fussy
and the default
scoring algorithm.
has a great scoring algorithm but is one of the slower implementations
compared to the other scoring backends written as native modules.
flx-rs is a native module written in Rust
that matches the original flx
scoring algorithm. It is about 10 times faster
than the original implementation written in Emacs Lisp. We can use this package
instead for extra performance with the same scoring strategy.
One downside of this package is that it doesn’t yet support using flx
’s file
cache so filename matching is currently slightly worse than the original Emacs
lisp implementation.
(use-package flx-rs
:ensure t
:repo "jcs-elpa/flx-rs"
:fetcher github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-flx-rs-score)
Use fzf-native for scoring.
Provides fuzzy matching scoring based on the fzf
algorithm (by
junegunn) through a dynamic module
for a native C implementation of fzf
(use-package fzf-native
:ensure t
:repo "dangduc/fzf-native"
:host github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-fzf-native-score)
Another option is to use the fuz library (also in Rust) for scoring.
This library has two fuzzy matching algorithms, skim
and clangd
Skim: Just like fzf v2, the algorithm is based on Smith-Waterman algorithm which is normally used in DNA sequence alignment
Clangd: The algorithm is based on clangd’s FuzzyMatch.cpp.
For more information: fuzzy-matcher
(use-package fuz
:ensure nil
:straight (fuz :type git :host github :repo "rustify-emacs/fuz.el")
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-fuz-score)
(unless (require 'fuz-core nil t)
;; Same as fuz but with prebuilt binaries.
(use-package fuz-bin
:ensure t
:repo "jcs-elpa/fuz-bin"
:fetcher github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-fuz-bin-score)
This is the algorithm used by the old lusty-explorer.
A mimetic poly-alloy of the Quicksilver scoring algorithm, essentially LiquidMetal.
Flex matching short abbreviations against longer strings is a boon in productivity for typists. Applications like Quicksilver, Alfred, LaunchBar, and Launchy have made this method of keyboard entry a popular one. It’s time to bring this same functionality to web controls. LiquidMetal makes scoring long strings against abbreviations easy.
For more information: liquidmetal
(use-package liquidmetal
:ensure t
:straight t
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-liquidmetal-score))
Fuzzy matching algorithm based on Sublime Text’s string search. Iterates through characters of a search string and calculates a score. This is another fuzzy implementation written in Rust.
For more information: fuzzy-rs
(use-package sublime-fuzzy
:ensure t
:repo "jcs-elpa/sublime-fuzzy"
:fetcher github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-sublime-fuzzy-score)
This is a fuzzy Emacs completion style similar to the built-in flex style, but with a better scoring algorithm. Specifically, it is non-greedy and ranks completions that match at word; path component; or camelCase boundaries higher.
For more information: hotfuzz
Note, hotfuzz
has its own completion-style
that may be worth using over this one.
(use-package hotfuzz
:ensure t
:straight t
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-hotfuzz-score))
Call fussy-company-setup
. This function advises a few company-mode
;; For cache functionality.
(advice-add 'corfu--capf-wrapper :before 'fussy-wipe-cache)
(add-hook 'corfu-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(setq-local fussy-max-candidate-limit 5000
fussy-default-regex-fn 'fussy-pattern-first-letter
fussy-prefer-prefix nil)))
Integration with helm is possible by
setting helm-completion-style
to emacs
instead of helm
(setq helm-completion-style 'emacs)
For more information:
uses the built in flex
by default. We can advise
’s setup hook to set up fussy
with fido-mode
(use-package icomplete
:ensure nil
:straight nil
(defun fussy-fido-setup ()
"Use `fussy' with `fido-mode'."
(setq-local completion-styles '(fussy basic)))
(advice-add 'icomplete--fido-mode-setup :after 'fussy-fido-setup)
(setq icomplete-tidy-shadowed-file-names t
icomplete-show-matches-on-no-input t
icomplete-compute-delay 0
icomplete-delay-completions-threshold 50)
;; Or `fido-mode'.
Since ivy
doesn’t support completion-styles
, we have to hack fussy
into it.
We can advise ivy--flx-sort
and replace it with our own sorting function.
(defun ivy--fussy-sort (name cands)
"Sort according to closeness to string NAME the string list CANDS."
(condition-case nil
(let* ((bolp (= (string-to-char name) ?^))
;; An optimized regex for fuzzy matching
;; "abc" → "^[^a]*a[^b]*b[^c]*c"
(fuzzy-regex (concat "\\`"
(and bolp (regexp-quote (substring name 1 2)))
(lambda (x)
(setq x (char-to-string x))
(concat "[^" x "]*" (regexp-quote x)))
(if bolp (substring name 2) name)
;; Strip off the leading "^" for flx matching
(flx-name (if bolp (substring name 1) name))
;; Filter out non-matching candidates
(dolist (cand cands)
(when (string-match-p fuzzy-regex cand)
(push cand cands-left)))
;; pre-sort the candidates by length before partitioning
(setq cands-left (cl-sort cands-left #'< :key #'length))
;; partition the candidates into sorted and unsorted groups
(dotimes (_ (min (length cands-left) ivy-flx-limit))
(push (pop cands-left) cands-to-sort))
;; Compute all of the flx scores in one pass and sort
(mapcar #'car
(sort (mapcar
(lambda (cand)
(cons cand
cand flx-name
(lambda (c1 c2)
;; Break ties by length
(if (/= (cdr c1) (cdr c2))
(> (cdr c1)
(cdr c2))
(< (length (car c1))
(length (car c2)))))))
;; Add the unsorted candidates
(error cands)))
(advice-add 'ivy--flx-sort :override 'ivy--fussy-sort)
For more information: abo-abo/swiper#848 (comment)
is written to be configure-less by the user. For defaults, it uses the
built-in flex
algorithm for filtering and flx
for scoring and sorting.
However, users are encouraged to try the various available scoring backends.
These scoring backends are configured through fussy-score-fn
. See its docstring
for configuration.
For improved performance, use a scoring backend backed by a native module. Examples include but are not limited to:
will provide an algorithm that matches the original flx
while the other two matches other popular packages (skim
and fzf
Below is a sample config that uses flx-rs
for improved performance.
or fuz
may be a better choice for performance than flx-rs
but uses
a different algorithm.
(use-package orderless
:straight t
:ensure t
:commands (orderless-filter))
(use-package flx-rs
:ensure t
:repo "jcs-elpa/flx-rs"
:fetcher github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-flx-rs-score)
(use-package fussy
:ensure t
(fussy :type git :host github :repo "jojojames/fussy")
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-flx-rs-score)
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-orderless-flex)
For the most performant option, use fzf-native and see my configuration for an example. See Benchmarking below for basic runs.
Documenting my configuration for the users that may want to copy. Unlike the
former configuration, this section will be kept up to date with my init.el
(use-package fzf-native
(:repo "dangduc/fzf-native"
:host github
:files (:defaults "bin"))
(setq fussy-score-fn 'fussy-fzf-native-score))
(use-package company
(use-package fussy
(fussy :host github :repo "jojojames/fussy")
(setq fussy-score-ALL-fn 'fussy-fzf-score)
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-default)
(setq fussy-use-cache t)
(setq fussy-compare-same-score-fn 'fussy-histlen->strlen<)
Listed below are samples of scores that backends return given a candidate string and a search string to match against it. This may help in determining a preferred scoring backend.
Please PR other examples as they come up. This score can be obtained by commenting out the log message in fussy-score
Another way to do it is to feed candidates and queries into fussy-score
with the desired fussy-score-fn
;; candidate: Makefile query: mkfile score 77
;; candidate: fork/yasnippet-snippets/snippets/chef-mode/cookbook_file query: mkfile score 68
;; candidate: Makefile query: mkfile 118
;; candidate: fork/yasnippet-snippets/snippets/chef-mode/cookbook_file query: mkfile 128
Before scoring and sorting candidates, we must somehow filter them from the completion table. The approaches below are several ways to do that, each with varying advantages and disadvantages.
For the choices below, we benchmark the functions by benchmarking the entire
function with the below macro calling M-x
describe-symbol (30000 candidates)
in the scratch buffer.
(defmacro fussy--measure-time (&rest body)
"Measure the time it takes to evaluate BODY."
`(let ((time (current-time)))
(let ((result ,@body))
(message "%.06f" (float-time (time-since time)))
This is the default filtering method and is 1:1 to the filtering done
when using the flex
. Advantages are no additional
dependencies (e.g. orderless
) and likely bug-free/stable to use.
The only disadvantage is that it’s the slowest of the filtering methods.
;; Flex
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-flex)
;; Type Letter a
;; 0.078952
;; Type Letter b
;; 0.052590
;; Type Letter c
;; 0.065808
;; Type Letter d
;; 0.061254
;; Type Letter e
;; 0.098000
;; Type Letter f
;; 0.053321
;; Type Letter g
;; 0.050180
This is another usable filtering method and leverages the all-completions
written in C to do its filtering. It seems to be the fastest of the filtering
methods from quick benchmarking as well as requiring no additional dependencies
(e.g. orderless
Implementation may be buggy though, so use with caution.
;; Fast
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-default)
;; Type Letter a
;; 0.030671
;; Type Letter b
;; 0.030247
;; Type Letter c
;; 0.036047
;; Type Letter d
;; 0.032071
;; Type Letter e
;; 0.034785
;; Type Letter f
;; 0.030392
;; Type Letter g
;; 0.033473
orderless can also be used for
filtering. It uses the all-completions
API like fussy-filter-default
so is
also faster than the default filtering but has a dependency on orderless
;; Orderless
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-orderless-flex)
;; Type Letter a
;; 0.065390
;; Type Letter b
;; 0.036942
;; Type Letter c
;; 0.054091
;; Type Letter d
;; 0.048816
;; Type Letter e
;; 0.074258
;; Type Letter f
;; 0.040900
;; Type Letter g
;; 0.037928
To use orderless filtering:
(use-package orderless
:straight t
:ensure t
:commands (orderless-filter))
(setq fussy-filter-fn 'fussy-filter-orderless)
;; Highlight matches with `company-mode'.
(with-eval-after-load 'orderless
(defun orderless-just-one-face (fn &rest args)
(let ((orderless-match-faces [completions-common-part]))
(ignore orderless-match-faces)
(apply fn args)))
(advice-add 'company-capf--candidates
:around #'orderless-just-one-face))
Results and filtering can be cached for improved performance by setting
to t.
With this set to t:
If user already entered the same query:
e.g. User types “a” -> “ab” and then backspaces into “a” again.
Results from the originally entered “a” will be used for the second entered “a”.
If user is entering a new query but there exists results from a previous query in the cache:
e.g. User types “a” and then “ab”. Results from “a” will then be used for filtering in “ab”.
To use this with company
and corfu
, use an advice to reset the cache upon
new completion requests.
(advice-add 'corfu--capf-wrapper :before 'fussy-wipe-cache)
(setq random-col (all-completions "" 'help--symbol-completion-table nil))
(benchmark-run 10 (dolist (x random-col)
(flx-score x "a")))
(29.064313 37 3.8456069999999993)
(benchmark-run 10 (dolist (x random-col)
(fussy-fzf-native-score x "a")))
(5.763323 2 0.2168050000000008)
;; Handles entire list at once.
(benchmark-run 10 (fussy-fzf-score random-col "a"))
(0.33876900000000004 0 0.0)
Set up eask
$ brew install node
$ npm install -g @emacs-eask/eask
make test
lewang/flx#54 company-mode/company-mode#47 abo-abo/swiper#207 abo-abo/swiper#2321 abo-abo/swiper#848 melpa/melpa#8029 emacs-helm/helm#2165