Linux release
Port Orginal UI from CppWinForm using ImGui as a UI framework.
Show Controller Information
- S/N, FW, MAC ... etc.
- Battery and Temperature Information
HD Rumble Player
Device Colors
Playground Testing
- Button Test
- NFC Reader
- Stick Calibration
- Acc/Gyro Calibration
- 6-Axis and Stick Device Parameters
IR Camera
- IR Camera Settings
- IR Camera Capture/Stream
User Calibration and Stick Device Parameters
Alpha API with ImGui Screen shot:
Build the project with with CMake to get the above result.
Add the following line after the project() declaration to build the project with CMake as API only:
set(JCTOOL_API_ONLY TRUE) # Add this line.
# Uncomment the following line you are building the project from a parent directory.
# add_subdirectory(jc_toolkit)
A note for linux users (Important)
You must have valid udev rules in order for Joy-Con Toolkit to detect your controllers.
Follow the steps below if you need the valid udev rules.
Find the file named "50-nintendo-switch.rules" in the root directory of the repo.
Run the command to copy the file into the udev rules directory:
sudo cp ./50-nintendo-switch.rules /etc/udev/rules.d
- Reconnect your controller if it was already connected.