The source code of GoGym Backend/API which make uses of Laravel 10 as the framework provider with some dependencies and Google Cloud Platform in order to complete Bangkit Capstone Project. Here are the related links/websites that the application uses :
- Laravel.
- Google Cloud Console.
- Package Google Cloud Storage filesystem driver for Laravel by spatie.
- Authentication Laravel Sanctum.
- Visual Studio Code
- Google Cloud Platform Account, sign up here
- Google App Engine and a Google Cloud Bucket
- Composer
- Google Cloud SDK
- Clone the backend-api branch in this repository and import into Visual Studio Code
- Initialize Laravel in the related directory Install Laravel
- Install the related dependencies
- Run composer command
composer install
- Update the Google Cloud Service Package with your corresponding credentials in the filesystems.php
- Migrate the database and seed the database
php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed --class=EquipmentsSeeder
- Initialize Google Cloud SDK
gcloud init
- Deploy the API to the Google App Engine
gcloud app deploy
- Clone the backend-api branch in this repository and import into Visual Studio Code
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.