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Jirada Wiwitumpon edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 3 revisions

If you want to add your own automation to the included custom objects, you can leverage Apex or Flow to define "plugins" - the logger system will then automatically run the plugins after each trigger event (BEFORE_INSERT, BEFORE_UPDATE, AFTER_INSERT, AFTER_UPDATE, and so on). Currently, these objects are supported:

  • LogEntryEvent__e platform event
  • Log__c custom object
  • LogEntry__c custom object
  • LogEntryTag__c custom object
  • LoggerTag__c custom object
  • LoggerScenario__c custom object

This framework (currently in beta) makes it easy to build your own plugins, or deploy/install others' prebuilt packages, without having to modify the logging system directly.

Build a Flow Plugin

Your Flow should be built as auto-launched Flows with these parameters:

  1. Input parameter triggerOperationType - The name of the current trigger operation (such as BEFORE_INSERT, BEFORE_UPDATE, etc.)
  2. Input parameter triggerNew - The list of logger records being processed (Log__c or LogEntry__c records)
  3. Output parameter updatedTriggerNew - If your Flow makes any updates to the collection of records, you should return a record collection containing the updated records
  4. Input parameter triggerOld - The list of logger records as they exist in the datatabase

Build an Apex Plugin

  • Apex plugins: your Apex class should implements LoggerPlugin.Triggerable. For example:

    public class ExampleTriggerablePlugin implements LoggerPlugin.Triggerable {
      public void execute(LoggerPlugin__mdt configuration, LoggerTriggerableContext input) {
        // Example: only run the plugin for Log__c records
        if (context.sobjectType != Schema.Log__c.SObjectType) {
        List<Log__c> logs = (List<Log__c>) input.triggerNew;
        switch on input.triggerOperationType {
          when BEFORE_INSERT {
            for (Log__c log : logs) {
              log.Status__c = 'On Hold';
          when BEFORE_UPDATE {
            // TODO add before-update logic

Once you've created your Apex or Flow plugin(s), you will also need to configure the plugin:

  • 'Logger Plugin' - use the custom metadata type LoggerSObjectHandlerPlugin__mdt to define your plugin, including the plugin type (Apex or Flow) and the API name of your plugin's Apex class or Flow
  • 'Logger Plugin Parameter' - use the custom metadata type LoggerSObjectHandlerPluginParameter__mdt to define any configurable parameters needed for your plugin, such as environment-specific URLs and other similar configurations

Logger plugin: configuration

Note: the logger plugin framework is not available in the managed package due to some platform limitations & considerations with some of the underlying code. The unlocked package is recommended (instead of the managed package) when possible, including if you want to be able to leverage the plugin framework in your org.

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