Simple example of how to setup a deployment pipeline for Power BI dataset(s) from pbix file stored in git to Power Bi Service.
This example assumes that you have a Azure DevOps project at hand as well as one custom action installed in the Azure DevOps organization your project is created within.
- Access to Azure DevOps project to run pipeline.
- Power BI Actions externsion installed in your Azure DevOps Organization.
- Power BI Service Connection configured in Azure DevOps.
- Service account details available (Azure AD account) during configuration of Power BI Service Connection has been granted admin privilages on workspace.
This describes the general configuration required before pipeline run's in Azure DevOps can be completed successfully.
In your Azure DevOps project start by creating a new Service Connection with connection type Power BI Service Connection
. You will fins the New Service Connection
button by navigating to Project Settings -> Service Connections
In this example I have used Username/Password
and after that the below settings to configure the service connection:
- Organization type =
Commercial (Public)
- Username =
[email protected]
- Password = [your password]
- Service connection name =
When done click Save
The service account used when settings up the Service Connection
in the previous step need to be granted admin privilages in all the workspaces you want to deploy reports/datasets to.
You need to ahve a t least one pbix available in your git repo. It will be assumed that the PBIX files are saved in a folder named power-bi
in the root of the git repo. In this example the pbix file also has one paramter configured called paramServer
which is used to set the connectionstring used by the report.
Our build stage will copy any pbix file added to the demo/power-bi
folder to our artifact and publish it.
name: pipeline-pbix
- name: tenantId #Only needed if you want to configure log export
type: string
- name: subscriptionId #Only needed if you want to configure log export
type: string
- name: serverUrl
type: string
- name: serviceAccountUserName
type: string
- name: serviceAccountPassword
type: string
- name: logAnalyticsWorkspaceRgName #Only needed if you want to configure log export
type: string
- name: logAnalyticsWorkspaceName #Only needed if you want to configure log export
type: string
- master
- name: pbiServiceConnectionName
- name: pbiWorkspaceName
value: "demo-workspace-1"
- name: pbiWorkspaceId
value: "82db5f5a-de46-4ab8-a4fa-3c890ebab893"
- name: pbiGatewayId
value: "97401768-9a0a-4973-a0e6-c60ed61adab4"
- stage: build
displayName: Build
- job: Build
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: "Copy PBIX resources"
SourceFolder: "demo/power-bi"
Contents: "**"
TargetFolder: "demo/pbix-files"
flattenFolders: false
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: "Copy PowerShell scripts"
SourceFolder: "demo/ps"
Contents: "*.ps1"
TargetFolder: "demo/ps"
flattenFolders: false
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
displayName: Publish Artifact
ArtifactName: demo-artifact
As a starting point we use the Power Bi Actions
task to publish the pbix file to the Power Bi Service and spcified workspace.
- task: PowerBIActions@5
displayName: "Publish PBIX file to workspace"
PowerBIServiceEndpoint: $(pbiServiceConnectionName)
Action: "Publish"
WorkspaceName: $(pbiWorkspaceName)
PowerBIPath: "${{ Pipeline.Workspace }}/demo-artifact/INDE_RESOURCES/Sales"
Create: false
To be able to configure settings and values for parameters we need to take ownership of the published pbix file. We can do that using the Power Bi Actions
task again.
Please note that the example below will update this parameter on all dataset's present in the workspace.
- task: PowerBIActions@5
displayName: "Take ownership of files"
PowerBIServiceEndpoint: $(pbiServiceConnectionName)
Action: "TakeOwnership"
WorkspaceName: $(pbiWorkspaceName)
UpdateAll: true
Next we will change the value for the dataset parameter named paramServer
. This action is also available in the Power Bi Action
extension. The actual server url will be provided in the pipeline parameter called serverUrl
Please note that the example below will update this parameter on all dataset's present in the workspace. If you want to update a specific dataset only that is also possible but not shown in this example. More infromation can be found here.
- task: PowerBIActions@5
displayName: "Update dataset parameters"
PowerBIServiceEndpoint: $(pbiServiceConnectionName)
Action: "UpdateParameters"
UpdateAll: true
WorkspaceName: $(pbiWorkspaceName)
ParameterInput: "[{'name' : 'paramServer', 'newValue' : '${{ parameters.serverUrl }}'}]"
In the following two steps we will need to use custom PowerShell script. For them to run without issues we need to make sure that PowerShell module MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
is installed on the build agent.
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: "Install MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt module"
targetType: "inline"
script: |
If(-not(Get-InstalledModule MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt -ErrorAction silentlycontinue)){
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt -Scope CurrentUser -Force
The next step is only required if your dataset requires a On-premise data gateway
to connect to the data source. If not you can skip this next step.
There is no action within the PowerBiActions
actions to bind a dataset to a gateway so we need to run a custom PowerShell script to accomplish this.
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: "Bind datasets to gateway"
filePath: "path/to/demo-artifact/ps/pbi-bind-datasets-to-gateway.ps1"
arguments: "-groupId '$(pbiWorkspaceName)' -gatewayId '${{ variables.powerBIGatewayId }}'"
saUserName: "${{ parameters.serviceAccountUserName }}"
saPassword: "${{ parameters.serviceAccountUserPassword }}"
The next task will configure export of logs to Azure Log Analytics. To accomplish this we will again use a custom PowerShell script. Unfoutunatly this operation is somewhat undocumented and the current version of the script only supports configuration of Power BI workspaces hosted in Azure North Europe data center. If you run your broswer dev tools you should be able to easily find the url used by your Power BI Tenant and modify the script using it
- task: PowerShell@2
continueOnError: true
displayName: "Configure export of PBI Workspace logs to Azure Log Analytics"
filePath: "path/to/demo-artifact/ps/pbi-configure-logging.ps1"
arguments: "-resourceGroup ${{ parameters.logAnalyticsWorkspaceRgName }} -laWorkspaceResourceName ${{ parameters.logAnalyticsWorkspaceName }} -subscriptionId ${{ parameters.subscriptionId }} -tenantId ${{ parameters.tenantId }} -pbiGroupId $(pbiWorkspaceId)"
Last but not least we will trigger a refresh of the dataset. We can use a built in action to accomplish this. This step is of course not needed if you have a dataset build using Direct Query.
- task: PowerBIActions@5
continueOnError: true
displayName: "Refresh dataset"
PowerBIServiceEndpoint: $(pbiServiceConnectionName)
Action: "DataRefresh"
WorkspaceName: "$(pbiWorkspaceName)"
DatasetName: "demo-dataset"