A simple state machine implementation with a beautiful DSL.
State transitions cause effects that can send a new input to the state machine, errors can be represented by new states and inputs.
Each state conforms to one of State
, SimpleState
, StateTakingInput
or StateUsingMappedState
. A state object can receive arguments from a defined input. It can also be passed anything from the previous state
The DSL was inspired by RxAutomaton.
App delegates can very quickly become a real handful based on the different initial screens that can appear. Below we have an app that has:
- A Database Migration phase for updating local data.
- A Database Indexing phase that shows a spinner. Useful if your app stores a large amount of local data.
- Logged in state that shows the main
. - Logged out state that shows a login/signup
import Stated
class AppLauncher {
// MARK: Create some simple states that hold no data.
struct UninitializedState: SimpleState { }
struct InitializedState: SimpleState { }
struct UpgradingState: SimpleState { }
struct IndexingState: SimpleState { }
struct LoggedInState: SimpleState { }
struct LoggedOutState: SimpleState { }
// MARK: Define the states we're going to use by creating "slots" in which the system can place a given instance of one of our states
struct States {
static let uninitialized = UninitializedState.slot
static let initialized = InitializedState.slot
static let upgrading = UpgradingState.slot
static let indexing = IndexingState.slot
static let loggedIn = LoggedInState.slot
static let loggedOut = LoggedOutState.slot
// MARK: Define inputs that will be used to trigger transitions between the above states
struct Inputs {
static let initialize = input()
static let upgrade = input()
static let indexDatabase = input()
static let logIn = input()
static let logOut = input()
// MARK: Private propteries
private var machine: StateMachine!
// MARK: Lifecycle
init(upgradeService: Upgrade, apiService: APIService, db: PersistenceService, rootViewController: RootViewController) {
// MARK: Side Effects
func initialize(stateMachine: StateMachine) {
if upgradeService.isUpgradePending {
} else {
func upgrade(stateMachine: StateMachine) {
rootViewController.showUpgradeProgressController(onCompletion: {
func indexDatabase(stateMachine: StateMachine) {
db.createSecondaryIndices(onCompletion: {
if apiService.canLogIn {
} else {
func logIn(stateMachine: StateMachine) {
rootViewController.showLoggedInExperience(apiService: apiService, db: db, onLogOut: {
func logOut(stateMachine: StateMachine) {
rootViewController.showLogInViewController(onLoggedIn: {
// MARK: Define state machine using the inputs, slots and side effects from above
// This is the long-form syntax and is exactly equivalent to the operator syntax below
let mappings: [AnyStateTransitionTrigger] = [
.transition(to: States.initialized)
.transition(to: States.upgrading)
.transition(to: States.indexing)
.transition(to: States.indexing)
.transition(to: States.loggedIn)
.transition(to: States.loggedIn)
.transition(to: States.loggedOut),
.transition(to: States.loggedOut)
// This is the shorter operator syntax and is exactly equivalent to the syntax above.
// It is very easy to visualize how the system should behave in this case
let mappings: [AnyStateTransitionTrigger] = [
/* Input | from => to | side effect */
Inputs.initialize | States.uninitialized => States.initialized | initialize,
Inputs.upgrade | States.initialized => States.upgrading | upgrade,
Inputs.indexDatabase | States.upgrading => States.indexing | indexDatabase,
Inputs.indexDatabase | States.initialized => States.indexing | indexDatabase,
Inputs.logIn | States.indexing => States.loggedIn | logIn,
Inputs.logOut | States.indexing => States.loggedOut | logOut,
Inputs.logOut | States.loggedIn => States.loggedOut | logOut,
machine = StateMachine(initialState: UninitializedState(), mappings: mappings)
// MARK: Internal methods
func initialize() {
Add Stated to your Podfile:
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'Stated'
Run the following command:
$ pod install
Add Stated to your Cartfile:
github "jordanhamill/Stated"
Run the following command:
$ carthage update
Add Stated as a dependency to your package.swift
dependencies: [
.Package(url: "https://github.com/jordanhamill/Stated.git", majorVersion: 1)