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Domotics with a RaspberryPi 3 for my DIY campervan

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RaspVan (codename: Fiona)

Domotics using a Raspberry Pi 3B for our own-built campervan.

At the moment it is just a simple prototype aiming to become a complete domotic voice-controled system.

Commands can be executed either by voice or by sending HTTP requests to a server.

Table of Contents


Apart from any other requirement defined in the root or any of the sub-modules we need the following system-wide dependencies:


This repo is organized in a series of sub-modules plus the main solution code under raspvan.

To understand how to train, configure, test and run each sub-module please refer to the individual readme files.

# tree -L 1
├── asr                     # ASR component (uses vosk-kaldi)
├── assets
├── common
├── config
├── data
├── docker-compose.yml
├── hotword                 # HotWord detection (uses Mycroft/Precise)
├── nlu                     # NLU (sklearn and spacy custom implementation)
├── raspvan                 # client and server systems
├── requirements-dev.txt
├── requirements.txt
├── respeaker
├── scripts
├── setup.cfg
└──               # invoke commands

All the raspvan.workers communicate through AMQP using rabbitMQ. To run the broker backbone glueing all together:

docker-compose up -d rabbit


The hotword detection sub-module is based on a custom for of [mycroft/precise](

To run the rabbitMQ-publisher hot-word worker:

source .env
source .venv/bin/activate
inv run-hot-word


The ASR sub-module uses a custom dockerized PyVosk server build for the RaspberryPi: jmrf/pyvosk-rpi.

This server listens via websocket to a sounddevice stream and performs STT on the fly.

💡 For a complete list of compatible models check: vosk/models

To try the ASR client & server:

# Run the dockerized server
docker-compose up asr-server
# ASR from a audio wav file
python -m  asr client -v 2 -f <name-of-the-16kHz-wav-file>
# Or ASR listening from the microphone
python -m  asr client -v 2 -d <microphone-ID>

To run the rabbitMQ-triggered ASR worker:

source .env
source .venv/bin/activate
inv run-asr


⚠️ While the rest of the components use numpy~=1.16 the NLU components requires a newer version in order to work with scikit.

The best thing if running locally is to create a separate virtual environment

See nlu/

The NLU engine has two parts:

  • A Spacy vectorizer + SVM classifier for intent classification
  • A Conditional Random Field (CRF) for entity extraction

💡 Check the details in this Colab notebook: simple-NLU.ipynb 💡 It is advices to collect some voice samples and run them through ASR to use these as training samples for the NLU component to train it on real data.

To collect voice samples and apply ASR for the NLU, run:

# discover the audio input device to use and how many input channel are available
python -m scripts.mic_vad_record -l
# Run voice recording
python -m scripts.mic_vad_record sample.wav -d 5 -c 4


We use respeaker 4mic hat as a microphone and visual-feedback with its LED array.

To run the LED pixel demo:

python -m respeaker pixels

To run a recording:

python -m respeaker record -t 5 -o output.wav


This is the main module which coordinates all the different components.


i2c relay demo:

inv run-relays


To run the bluetooth server:

inv run-ble-server`
Setting BLE server as a service

Create /etc/systemd/system/ble_server.service with the following content:

Description=RaspVan BLE Server + Redis container

ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pi/


Enable on startup: sudo systemctl enable ble_server.service

Start with : sudo systemctl start ble_server

Check its status with: sudo systemctl status ble_server

How to


Create a virtual environment

python3.7 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

And install all the python dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finding the sound input device ID

First list all audio devices:

python -m respeaker print-audio-devices

You should get a table simlar to this:

┃ Index ┃ Name     ┃ Max Input Channels ┃ Max Output Channels ┃
│     0 │ upmix    │                  0 │                   8 │
│     1 │ vdownmix │                  0 │                   6 │
│     2 │ dmix     │                  0 │                   2 │
│     3 │ default  │                128 │                 128 │

Device with index 3, which can handle several input and output channels, is the one to pass to the hotword and ASR workers.

⚠️ ALSA won't allow for audio devices to be shared, i.e.: accessed simultaneously by more than one application when using the sound card directly. ⚠️

Solution: Use the pcm devices, i.e.: plugins. Specifically the dsnoop (to have shared input between processes) and dmix (to have several audio outputs on one card).

Copy config/.asoundrc to ~./asoundrc

⚠️ Probably deprecated. Click to expand!

WiFi and automatic hotspot

In order to communicate with the RaspberryPi we will configure it to connect to a series of known WiFi networks when available and to create a Hotspot otherwise.

Refer to auto-wifi-hotspot from raspberryconnect/network.

By default the RaspberryPi will be accessible at the IP: when the hotspot is active.

Wiring and Connections




Domotics with a RaspberryPi 3 for my DIY campervan







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