- Please adjust postgres url, username, password to access your local database on the following link Postgres Properties
- Build and run app from root codefellowship/ on IDE or using the following in the command line/ terminal
- See link and run from the file Run App from this file in IDE
- Link to browser See App in Browser
- For integration testing, run command Line/terminal :
./gradlew test
- For build, input in command Line/terminal :
./gradle build
- To run app, input in command line/terminal:
./gradle bootRun
- Link to browser See App in Browser
Build an app that allows users to log into CodeFellowship.
- Sit has a login page, link to signup page, link to login and logout
- An ApplicationUser should have a username, password (will be hashed using BCrypt), firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, bio, and any other fields you think are useful.
- The site should allow users to create an ApplicationUser on the “sign up” page.
ApplicationUserController ApplicationUser ApplicationUserRepository WebSecurityConfig UserDetailsServiceImpl
Work Time 5 Hours
Stock Photo : https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=%22default+profile+picture%22&asset_id=64675209
User logs in and can see profile information adn can create blog posts. Fragments were set for nav bar and an error page was set for a more custom experience.
- A logged-in user should be able to edit their profile. (Double stretch: allow them to change their passwords if they enter their current password.)
- An “admin” user should be able to edit anyone’s profile.
Post Post Repository error fragment Users Page myprofile home
Work Time 4 hours
Users can follow each other and see each other feeds after following. Feed page is lists out all following users pages. Users can go back and forth
- Ensure that users can’t perform SQL injection or HTML injection with their posts.
- Allow users to follow other users. Following a user means that their posts show up in the logged-in user’s feed, where they can see what all of their followed users have posted recently.
- Ensure there is some way (like a users index page) that a user can discover other users on the service.
- On a user profile page that does NOT belong to the currently logged-in user, display a “Follow” button. When a user clicks that follow button, the logged-in user is now following the viewed-profile-page user.
- note: this will require a self-join on ApplicationUsers.
- A user can visit a url (like /feed) to view all of the posts from the users that they follow.
- Each post should have a link to the user profile of the user who wrote the post.
- A splash page with basic information about the site
- The ability for users to register for new accounts and log in.
- The ability for logged-in users to create posts.
- The ability to see a user’s posts, along with their profile information and a default profile picture, on their profile page.
- A pleasing design throughout the site.
- Thymeleaf templates & fragments used appropriately to keep view code DRY.
- Smooth error handling with appropriate responses to bad requests.
- Integration testing on (at minimum) the splash page, login, and sign up routes.
feed siteUser Work Time 3 hours
- Made sure login worked and all features were working
- Worktime 3 Hours
- Account Info persists;Login Success; Profile page complete; Users Page Complete: Post created: Styling;
- Worktime 5 Hours
- Posts and error page and fragements set; users page created; Error Page Created
- Worktime 4 hours
- Feed and follw features created
- Worktime 2 hours