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swapped out smc code for old code.
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jovo committed Oct 5, 2012
1 parent bdfe355 commit 3feb5f7
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Showing 6 changed files with 603 additions and 748 deletions.
25 changes: 17 additions & 8 deletions demo.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% clear, clc,
clear, clc,

% set simulation metadata
T = 1000; % # of time steps
Expand All @@ -17,14 +17,23 @@
C = filter(1,[1 -P.gam],N); % calcium concentration
F = P.a*C+P.b + P.sig*randn(T,1); % observations

% infer spikes
% fast oopsi
[Nhat Phat] = fast_oopsi(F,V,P);

% plot results
% smc-oopsi
V.smc_iter_max = 1;
[M P V] = smc_oopsi(F,V,P);

%% plot results
figure(1), clf
h(1)=subplot(311); plot(tvec,F); axis('tight'), ylabel('F (au)')
h(2)=subplot(312); plot(tvec,C); axis('tight'), ylabel('C (au)')
h(3)=subplot(313); stem(tvec,N); axis('tight'), ylabel('N (# spikes)')
hold on, plot(tvec,Nhat,'r'), xlabel('time (sec)') % estimated spike train
linkaxes(h,'x'), legend('spike train', 'estimate')
h(1)=subplot(411); plot(tvec,F); axis('tight'), ylabel('F (au)')
h(2)=subplot(412); plot(tvec,C); axis('tight'), ylabel('C (au)')
h(3)=subplot(413); stem(tvec,N); hold on, plot(tvec,Nhat,'r','linewidth',1), axis('tight'), ylabel('fast')
Nsmc = M.nbar/max(M.nbar);
h(4)=subplot(414); stem(tvec,N); hold on, plot(tvec,Nsmc,'k','linewidth',2); axis('tight'), ylabel('smc')
xlabel('time (sec)')

26 changes: 20 additions & 6 deletions demo.m~
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% clear, clc,
clear, clc,

% set simulation metadata
T = 1000; % # of time steps
Expand All @@ -17,14 +17,28 @@ N = poissrnd(P.lam*V.dt*ones(T,1)); % simulate spike train
C = filter(1,[1 -P.gam],N); % calcium concentration
F = P.a*C+P.b + P.sig*randn(T,1); % observations

% infer spikes
% fast oopsi
[Nhat Phat] = fast_oopsi(F,V,P);

% plot results
% smc-oopsi
V.smc_iter_max = 1;
[M P V] = smc_oopsi(F,V,P);

%% plot results
figure(1), clf
h(1)=subplot(311); plot(tvec,F); axis('tight'), ylabel('F (au)')
h(2)=subplot(312); plot(tvec,C); axis('tight'), ylabel('C (au)')
h(3)=subplot(313); stem(tvec,N); axis('tight'), ylabel('N (# spikes)')
hold on, plot(tvec,Nhat,'r'), xlabel('time (sec)') % estimated pl
h(3)=subplot(313); stem(tvec,N); hold on, plot(tvec,Nhat,'r','linewidth',1)axis('tight'), ylabel('N (# spikes)')
xlabel('time (sec)') % estimated spike train

Nsmc = M.nbar/max(M.nbar);
linkaxes(h,'x'), legend('spike train', 'smc','fast')

33 changes: 5 additions & 28 deletions smc_oopsi.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,19 +21,12 @@
if ~isfield(V,'name'), ='oopsi'; end % name for output and figure
if ~isfield(V,'Nparticles'), V.Nparticles = 99; end % # particles
if ~isfield(V,'Nspikehist'), V.Nspikehist = 0; end % # of spike history terms
if ~isfield(V,'CaBaselineDrift'), V.CaBaselineDrift = 0; end %whether to include baseline drift in resting calcium concentration
if V.CaBaselineDrift && V.freq > 1
warning('baseline drift is not supported for intermittent sampling, using fixed baseline instead');
V.CaBaselineDrift = 0;
if ~isfield(V,'condsamp'), V.condsamp = 1; end % whether to use conditional sampler

if ~isfield(V,'ignorelik'), V.ignorelik = 1; end % epi or scan
if ~isfield(V,'true_n'), % if true spikes are not available
V.use_true_n = 0; % don't use them for anything
V.use_true_n = 1;
V.true_n = repmat(V.true_n',V.Nparticles,1);
if ~isfield(V,'smc_iter_max'), % max # of iterations before convergence
reply = str2double(input('\nhow many EM iterations would you like to perform \nto estimate parameters (0 means use default parameters): ', 's'));
Expand All @@ -57,30 +50,15 @@
if nargin < 3, P = struct; end
if ~isfield(P,'tau_c'), P.tau_c = 1; end % calcium decay time constant (sec)
if ~isfield(P,'A'), P.A = 50; end % change ins [Ca++] after a spike (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'C_0'), P.C_0 = 30; end % baseline [Ca++] (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'C_init'),P.C_init= 20; end % initial [Ca++] (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'sigma_c'),P.sigma_c= 10; end % standard deviation of noise (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'sigma_cr'),P.sigma_cr= 10; end % standard deviation of noise (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'C_0'), P.C_0 = 0; end % baseline [Ca++] (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'C_init'),P.C_init= 0; end % initial [Ca++] (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'sigma_c'),P.sigma_c= 0.1; end % standard deviation of noise (\mu M)
if ~isfield(P,'n'), P.n = 1; end % hill equation exponent
if ~isfield(P,'k_d'), P.k_d = 200; end % hill coefficient

if ~isfield(V,'spikegen')
[sg,V] = get_spikegen_info('Bernoulli', P, V);
V.spikegen = sg;
if V.freq > 1 && ~strcmpi(, 'bernoulli')
warning('only binary spiking is supported with intermittent sampling, switching to bernoulli spike count distributions');
[sg,V] = get_spikegen_info('Bernoulli', P, V);
V.spikegen = sg;

if ~isfield(V, 'maxspikes'), V.maxspikes = 15; end
if ~isfield(P,'k'), % linear filter
k = str2double(input('approx. how many spikes underly this trace: ', 's'));
P.k = V.spikegen.EFGinv(k / V.T);
%P.k = log(-log(1-k/V.T)/V.dt);
P.k = log(-log(1-k/V.T)/V.dt);

if ~isfield(P,'alpha'), P.alpha = mean(F); end % scale of F
if ~isfield(P,'beta'), P.beta = min(F); end % offset of F
if ~isfield(P,'zeta'), P.zeta = P.alpha/5; end % constant variance
Expand All @@ -94,13 +72,12 @@
if ~isfield(P,'a'), P.a = V.dt/P.tau_c; end % for brevity
if ~isfield(P,'sig2_c'),P.sig2_c= P.sigma_c^2*V.dt; end % for brevity
if ~isfield(P,'sig2_cr'),P.sig2_cr= P.sigma_cr^2*V.dt; end % for brevity

%% initialize other stuff
starttime = cputime;
P.lik = -inf; % we are trying to maximize the likelihood here
F = max(F,eps); % in case there are any zeros in the F time series
% P.k = [P.k; 1];

S = smc_oopsi_forward(F,V,P); % forward step
M = smc_oopsi_backward(S,V,P); % backward step
if V.smc_iter_max>1, P.conv=false; else P.conv=true; end
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