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magic-trace Public
Forked from janestreet/magic-tracemagic-trace collects and displays high-resolution traces of what a process is doing
OCaml MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2023 -
solana-program-library Public
Forked from solana-labs/solana-program-libraryA collection of Solana-maintained on-chain programs
ign-gazebo Public
Forked from gazebosim/gz-simOpen source robotics simulator. Through Ignition Gazebo users have access to high fidelity physics, rendering, and sensor models. Additionally, users and developers have multiple points of entry to…
C++ Other UpdatedNov 29, 2021 -
bitcoinbook Public
Forked from bitcoinbook/bitcoinbookMastering Bitcoin 2nd Edition - Programming the Open Blockchain
conan-center-index Public
Forked from conan-io/conan-center-indexRecipes for the ConanCenter repository
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 11, 2021 -
bullet3 Public
Forked from bulletphysics/bullet3Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
C++ Other UpdatedOct 19, 2021 -
tdesktop Public
Forked from telegramdesktop/tdesktopTelegram Desktop messaging app
C++ Other UpdatedOct 4, 2021 -
orocos_kinematics_dynamics Public
Forked from orocos/orocos_kinematics_dynamicsOrocos Kinematics and Dynamics C++ library
C++ UpdatedSep 18, 2021 -
hrl-kdl Public
Forked from gt-ros-pkg/hrl-kdlKinematics and geometry utilities for KDL
Python UpdatedSep 17, 2021 -
sdformat Public
Forked from gazebosim/sdformatSimulation Description Format (SDFormat) parser and description files.
C++ Other UpdatedNov 23, 2020 -
github-autostatus-plugin Public
Forked from jenkinsci/github-autostatus-pluginJenkins plugin to provide automatic status for multibranch jobs
Java MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2020 -
ign-msgs Public
Forked from gazebosim/gz-msgsA set of libraries designed to rapidly develop robot applications.
C++ Other UpdatedNov 5, 2020 -
hooks Public
Forked from conan-io/hooksOfficial Conan client hooks
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2020 -
xmlformatter Public
Forked from pamoller/xmlformatterFormat and compress XML documents
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2020 -
ign-conan Public archive
Conan recipes for Ignition Robotics libraries
ign-transport Public
Forked from gazebosim/gz-transportTransport library for component communication based on publication/subscription and service calls.
C++ Other UpdatedSep 5, 2020 -
dart Public
Forked from dartsim/dartDynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit
C++ BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 16, 2020 -
ign-math Public
Forked from gazebosim/gz-mathIgnition math library is a general purpose math library for robot applications.
C++ Other UpdatedJun 21, 2020 -
xmlindent Public
Forked from penberg/xmlindentC GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
cyclonedds Public
Forked from eclipse-cyclonedds/cycloneddsEclipse Cyclone DDS project
C Other UpdatedJun 19, 2019 -
rmw_cyclonedds Public
Forked from ros2/rmw_cycloneddsROS2 RMW layer for Eclipse Cyclone DDS
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 15, 2019