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this is just a simple context wrapper around jpex


() => Jpex

Returns the current jpex instance. If your component is not wrapped in a <Provider> then it will just return the global jpex instance.

const Page = () => {
  const jpex = useJpex();
  const thing = jpex.resolve<Thing>();

  return (...);


<T>(opts?: object) => T

Resolves a dependency for the given type T. The available options for opts can be found here.

const Page = () => {
  const thing = useResolve<Thing>();

  return (...);

If you're not using typescript you can still pass in the name of the dependency: useResolve('thing', opts)


(...callbacks: (jpex: Jpex) => void) => void

This simple hook just calls the given callback functions with the current jpex instance when the component mounts.

Unlike useEffect, the callbacks are invoked immediately, meaning you can register your depndencies and then start resolving them straight away.

const Page = () => {
  useRegister(jpex => {
  const thing = useResolve<Thing>();


(...deps: any[]): (...args: any[]) => any

This is the same as jpex's own encase method, but uses the react context to use the correct jpex instance.

You can encase both hooks and entire components:

const useLocation = encase((window: Window) => () => window.location);
const MyComponent = encase((window: Window) => () => (

For more info see


  value?: Jpex,
  onMount?: (jpex: Jpex) => void

A provider that sets the current jpex instance for all subsequent hooks to use.

const myContainer = jpex.extend();

const App = () => (
  <Provider value={myContainer}>

If you omit the value prop, the provider will implictly create a new jpex container from the "previous" one.

You can also pass in any configuration options for the new container to use:


If you there is no provider component in your app, useJpex will return the global jpex instance.

The onMount prop allows you to access the current container and immediately register dependencies on mount.

  onMount={(jpex) => {

You can also have multiple providers, each one will create a new container that inherits the parent one.
