I'm Julia Piaskowski, a statistician at the University of Idaho, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I try to provide resources to support high quality analysis of agriculture studies and adjacent research. I view myself as a 'user advocate' attempting to bridge the gap between complex statistical methodologies/tools and what users actually need to use those. I'm also a Software Carpentries certified instructor.
- Agriculture CRAN Task View: to find that R package supporting your agriculture research needs.
- [Mixed Model CRAN Task View)(https://CRAN.R-project.org/view=MixedModels): to find that mixed modellling package in R
- Introductory R for Scientists: zero-to-hero coursework content for learning R!
- University of Idaho Agricultural Statistics Resources Website: collection of tutorials, workshops and blog posts supporting analysis of research data
- [Field Guide to Incorporating Spatial Covariates into Analysis of Planned Field Experiments](Agricultural Field Experiments
- Irregular Newsletter on Ag Stats: sent a few times per year
- WAVE: Western Agriculture Variety Explorer: for accessing variety testing data from Idaho, Oregon and Washington
I'm currently working on building guides to linear mixed modelling, generalized linear mixed modelling and reproducible research for busy scientists (links forthcoming when the resources are complete).
My personal website is actually deployed through GitLab, but I use GitHub for most things. I also blog on prison and criminal justice issues here.