This is a repository for a university project. The task is to create a machine learning model to predict the sentiment of a tweet about airlines based on annotated data. We use the readme for brainstorming.
FE extraction from RAW
- emojis
- punctuation signs (!;?;...;..)
- text length
- Timestamp
CountVectorizer bigrams y trigrams
- Ignoring case
- Ignoring punctuation
- stopwrods
- Lematizción
- We can use the labels to obtain more suitable vocabulary, maybe neutral comments are misleading.
- We need to do crossvalidation at some point
- The order of words can change sentiment
- For next class (17/04/2018) we have to upload to kaggle results with a most suited model
- We will need to use feature selection [we will see it in next classes]
- Naive Bayes only considers if the word is in the text, it does not consider number of appearences
- At the end of the project (03/07/2018), we will need to present a news repport talking about some airline companies
15 de June is the deadline to present boths kaggles!
Tenemos que hacer una web/blog con una explicación técnica de lo que hemos hecho --> 3 Julio. Memoria. Que sea didactico. Link al github con el codigo si es posible.
exploración de datos
machine learning...
El metodo que hemos hecho para presentar el kaggle
Además de esto ver qué historias podemos extraer sobre las aerolineas.
3 Julio haremos la presentación con un ppt o similar. 2-3 min en el programa que hemos hecho + 7 min con las preguntas/conclusiones y preguntas que nos hemos hecho.
Naive bayes
- distribution
How to handle the unevenly distributed dataset? See percents:
- negative 0.629668
- neutral 0.210155
- positive 0.160178