title | author | date | output | ||||||||||
jsg |
Last compiled on 24 August, 2022 15:17 |
CUNY-BioStats: Code used to teach stats at Baruch College and the CUNY Graduate Center. Assignments are located in the Starter_code repository, which students typically access via github classroom assignments.
- lecture_files contains code to reproduce examples and plots from slides used in class (available @ https://sites.google.com/view/biostats/home)
- code_examples contains short examples of specific pieces of code (e.g., multcomp)
- datasets are links to datasets I have used in class in the past
- old_files is archived material (standalone code intros, previous course code)
- stats_assignment_answers has practice problems, including work from past years
- Note: Fall 2019 I switched to using summarySE function from Rmisc package instead of function I had written with same name. Package version provides examples and help files. I will slowly change/update files, but only differences are whatever you put in for measurevar column in summary is what you use for the y in ggplot calls (so for updating, replacing "mean" with that string)
- Fall 2020 Update: Assignment code (and answers) are being moved to .Rmd format; also, default R behavior changed to not upload strings as factors, so you may need to add stringsAsFactors = T to read.csv calls.