This is the code powering MentorMap, the official website of the consulting service that connects high schoolers with university mentors This full stack web application is built using NodeJS, MongoDB, HTML, CSS and hosted on Heroku Visit the live site: Follow us on Facebook
Make sure you have NodeJS, NPM and MongoDB, Yarn installed Make sure your mongodb is running Install dependencies:
$ yarn
Start server with Gulp
$ gulp
Navigate to localhost:3001
|-app.js //express server entry point
|-gulpfile.js //gulp task automation processes
|-package.json //lists npm dependencies
|-bower.json //lists bower dependencies
|-public //static assets
|-routes //route handlers used by express
|-views //ejs template files
|-react //react files
|--components //react components go here
|--routes //react router route handlers
|--data //static data used by components
|--main.jsx //mount point