This is the "GitOps" repo flux looks at and syncs manifests from. The cluster is configured to look in the clusters/cluster-a
folder and apply manifests from there.
contains generic manifests which should be able to be applied to any cluster
contains cluster specific Kustomizations.
The manifests in the clusters folder then reference the kustomization.yaml's in either the bases or overlays folder.
The following services are deployed:
- AWS Load Balancer Controller
- Cert Manager
- Demo Web App repo here
- External DNS
- Prometheus Stack
- Terraform Controller
Where IAM is required these are using IAM roles for service accounts.
- You'll need to go through the overlays folder and check/modify any cluster specific Kustomizations
- If you want to use the Terraform Controller as part of Flux you'll need to add a GitHub personal access token with the following:
kubectl create secret generic branch-planner-token --namespace=flux-system --from-literal=""
- TF Controller is in auto apply mode this means it will deploy any Terraform in the repo you point it to.
Yes I'm aware there is a Teams Webhook in here which is not best practice but it's an example used in the demo.