The following Node.js application (v6.2.1) contains both the server and client side code for the website. The website runs Angular2 on the front end, Node.js on the backend, and uses Redis as the database. (To view the basic architecture of the application, check out the architecture.pdf file in the architecture/ directory.) The application runs on IBM's Bluemix platform and only requires 512MB of memory and one instance, so the hosting is free. In order to forward the domain to the BlueMix application, you will need to have domain access to the domain on GoDaddy. The credentials for the GoDaddy account are located in the server/private_credentials/*.json file. Once the GoDaddy account is accessible, follow the directions in the 'Setting up Bluemix and GoDaddy' section at the end of the README file. This application also has access to the Google Calendar API, SendGrid, Slack, and Redis Cloud services so additional steps are required. Please start in the 'Getting Started' section and further instructions will be provided to set everything up. Any questions can be forwarded to the webmaster at [email protected].
IMPORTANT The .gitignore file includes the private_credentials folder. Please ask the current SHPE webmaster for these credentials so that all of the services work properly.
*** PDF that shows a high level overview of the SHPE Austin application.
app/ Holds all of the Angular2 components
guards/ Contains a login guard for the login page
services/ All the services used to connect to the node.js backend
static/ Has some of the text used throughout the SHPE Austin website
styles/ Contains .less files that are parsed by each of the applications
templates/ The .html files for each of the components
app.module.ts The primary module that describes how the application parts fit together
index.html File that is served on the front end
main.ts Bootstraps the main application
polyfills.ts Polyfills for the Angular2 application
default.json File that holds data for the application
*** All the files that are served when the SHPE Austin website is in production
officer_pictures/ The pictures rendered on the /officers endpoint
*.jpg,*.png Includes all .jpg and .png files used in Node.js application
*.js Minified file used to load over the server
ajaxUtils.js Module that contains all the AJAX requests made from the index.html file
calendar.js Module used to create a calendar on the membership page
modal.js Module used to create a modal on the home and membership page
styles.css Primary styling page used in Angular2 application
*.js Controllers that serve all endpoints {GET, POST, DELETE, PUT} to the SHPE Austin Application
authorization.js A module that determines if a user is authorized to perform actions on the website
console.js Enhancements to the logging on the terminal
database.js A wrapper for the Redis database that includes retrieval, setting, and updating of data
credentialsBuilder.js File that holds all of the credentials used to authenticate certain portions of the application
exporter.js This file exports data and saves it to the local disk.
backup/*.json Files that are automatically generated after database is deleted
*.json Contains the data used to pre-populate the Redis database
*.json Credentials used to connect to services (not on github)
main.js Contains all the routes for the SHPE Austin website
google_calendar.js This script sends an API request to the SHPE Austin Google Calendar
redis.js File that creates a connection to the Redis database and caches data locally using the lib/database.js file
slack.js Holds a method that listens to requests made by the Slackbot on the SHPE Austin slack channel
socket.js Contains all web socket code for the SHPE Austin website
app.js Starts and runs the Node.js application
*/ Dependencies used in the Node.js application
manifest.yml Contains information used when deploying to Bluemix
package.json Dependencies used in Node.js, and Angular2 app
gulpfile.js Gulp file used for development
- Install Node.js (v6.2.1)
- Clone this project onto your computer.
- Run
npm install
to install the app's dependencies. - Create a Bluemix account. It's free.
- Follow instructions 3-6 on this page
- Follow the directions in the 'Creating and Binding SendGrid' section below to connect to the SendGrid application.
- Follow the directions in the 'Redis Database Binding' section below to connect to the Redis service.
- Setup the Google Calendar API by following the directions in the 'Setting up the Google Calendar API' section.
- Once all of these steps are done, run
$npm start
. If the SendGrid and Redis applications were binded correctly, the app should run with no problems. - Access the running app in a browser at http://localhost:6001
- When developing locally, please keep in mind there are tools available to make development easier. Please read the 'Developing Locally' section for further instructions.
- Follow the directions in the 'Setting up Bluemix and GoDaddy' section to route the bluemix application to the domain.
There are various tools that are included in this project that makes development easier and automated. The front end uses Angular2, so running $npm start
will run a linter on all of the typescript files, as well as converting *.less files in all of the components. To run locally, run $npm start
and the node.js server will start. Check the logs to determine what port was opened up for development, as well as any errors that were caught by the linter.
The sole purpose of the SendGrid application is to serve as a mailing client for the Bluemix application. The SendGrid API is connected to the Contact Us page, but can be placed in multiple locations. You just have to make a POST to the communication/contact endpoint with the appropriate data in the BODY of the request. The recipient of e-mails is set in the config/default.json file under the sendGridEmail key.
In the root directory of the shpeaustin application, run the following commands:
$cf create-service sendgrid free shpeaustinemail
$cf bind-service shpeaustin shpeaustinemail
$cf restage shpeaustin
After those steps have been completed, follow the directions below.
- Go to the online IBM Console.
- Click on the shpeaustin nodejs application.
- Under SendGrid, click on the Show Credentials button.
- Copy those credentials and replace them with the existing /private_credentials *.json file
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker. When the node application first runs, the application populates the database with the data. After each subsequent run, the application loads data from the database, and caches it, which enables quicker performance.
- Go to the online IBM Console.
- Click on Catalog on the main menu on top of the screen
- Search for Redis Cloud in the catalog
- On the right hand side of the screen, you should be able to add a Service. Bind it to the Node.js application and click on create. [The 30MB selected plan is sufficient and is free.]
- Once the application has been binded, go back to the IBM Console and click on the shpeaustin nodejs application.
- Under the Redis Cloud application, click on the Show Credentials button.
In order to set up the Google Calendar API, you need to authorize the node application to the Google Calendar API. Go to the services/google_calendar.js
file, and follow the directions in the comments at the top of the file. After it is done, copy down the google credentials and replace them in the private_credentials/google_calendar.json file, under the access_token key.
Pre-requisites: You must have deployed to BlueMix, and have access to the GoDaddy account. If you haven't deployed to BlueMix, follow the directions in the 'Deploying to Bluemix' section. In order to set up BlueMix and GoDaddy, there are a couple of steps we need to do to re-route to the domain. I was unable to figure out how to preserve in its entirety, but it will instead go to In order to do this, following the directions below:
- Login to GoDaddy and go to the GoDaddy My Domain page. Click on the settings icon, and click on Manage DNS.
- Click ADD under the Records section, and select CNAME.
- Set HOST to
, Points to
, and TTL, 1/2 Hour. - Click Save.
- Look for the Forwarding Section, and click ADD.
- Forward
to, with aPermanent (301)
option,Forward only
option, and click on the checkbox to update DNS settings. Click Save. - This concludes the steps on the GoDaddy side. It may take a couple of minutes to hours for the changes to propagate.
- Login to Bluemix using the credentials provided in the private_credentials/*.json file.
- In the Bluemix dashboard view, look for the shpeaustin application and click on the settings icon. Then, click on
Edit Routes and App Access
option. - Click on,
Manage Domains
. This will bring you to another window. Make sure you are on the DOMAINS tab. Click,Add Domain
, and type in, and click onSAVE
. - Go back to the Bluemix dashboard view, and go back to the
Edit Routes and App Access
window. - Click on Add route and type,
, as the Host. On the right, there should be a drop down menu.
, and click on Save. - Once it has been saved, you may have to wait a couple of minutes to hours, depending on how quickly GoDaddy processes the results. Once everything is setup, will forward you to and everything is complete!
I have created an admin page that has made it easier to update the SHPEAustin application. Navigate to the following URL and login with the credentials in the private_credentials.json file. In this UI, you are able to View, Delete, and Update data to the Redis database. Please contact the webmaster for instructions on how to appropriately update the data on the application.
- Download the Bluemix Command Line Interface Bluemix Command Line Interface.
$bluemix login
$ibmcloud target -o [email protected] -s dev
$bluemix app push shpeaustin
- To view logs, type
$ibmcloud cf logs shpeaustin --recent
Everytime that GitHub receives a new commit, it will utilize Travis CI to automatically deploy to Bluemix. Follow the instructions below to get it set up. You can view all results and profile settings here:
- Register at
- Authorize the Travis CI application to access the GitHub account
- Follow Directions in the page. Enable the shpeaustin application.
- Go to the root directoy of the SHPE Austin application and execute
$gem install travis
- Run
$travis encrypt XXXX
, where XXXX corresponds to the bluemix password on private_credentials/*.json - Replace the current "secure" string with the one outputted on the console
- Encrypt the Bluemix email, and run the same command as step 6. Replace the new "secure" string in both the organization and username section.
- Everytime you push to the repository, will re-deploy with the new changes :)
Pre-requisite: Download Docker at the Docker Install page.
The SHPE Austin application is configured to use Docker for the Redis database. To use Docker while running locally, go to config/default.json and change the flag from false to true. In one tab run $chmod 777 docker/ && ./docker/
and in another tab run $npm start
. The node application will be connected to the Docker Redis Docker container.