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React Router DOM Bridge

This package provides a bridge between React Router and a host application. It allows for navigation between different applications and between different routes within an application.

The Problem

When using React Router in a host application that is composed of multiple applications, it is difficult to navigate between different applications and between different routes within an application when using the react-router-dom package without adding it in shared dependencies and marking it as singleton in the module federation configuration.

Module federation time has an npm package that supposed to solve this problem, but it not work for cross-application navigation, for this reason I decided to create this package, it could be replaced by the official package when it is fixed. If it is the case, just let me know.


The packages provides two principal exports:

  • createRemoteApp: A function that creates a remote application that can be used to navigate to different routes within the host application.
  • loadRemoteApp: A function that can be used to load a remote application into the host application.


In the remote application create a file that will contain the routes and the root component for the remote application.

// routes.tsx
import { createRemoteApp } from '@module-federation-bridge/react';

const applicationInit = createRemoteApp({
  routes: [
    { path: '/', element: <div>Home</div> },
    { path: '/about', element: <div>About</div> },
  basename: '/remote',
  RootComponent: Layout,

// index.tsx
// This file is used to initialize the remote application, it is the entry point for application.
import("./bootstrap").then(module => {
  const applicationInit = module.default;

  const container = document.getElementById("root");

  if (container) {

// bootstrap.tsx
// This file is used to initialize the remote application, it is the entry point for module federation.
import { applicationInit } from "./routes";

export default applicationInit;
  • routes: An array of routes that the remote application will navigate to.(Do not add layout routes here, it will be added in the RootComponent property).
  • basename: The base URL for the remote application.
  • RootComponent: The root component for the remote application. This component will be used as the template for the remote application.


In the host application create a file that will contain the routes and the remote application to be loaded.

// routes.tsx
import { loadRemoteApp } from '@module-federation-bridge/react';

const RemoteApp = loadRemoteApp({ moduleLoader: import('remote/app'), basename: '/remote' });

const routes = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <div>Home</div>
    path: '/remote/*',
    element: <RemoteApp />,
  • moduleLoader: A function that will load the remote application.
  • basename: The base URL for the remote application.


Navigating between applications

There is no need to different components or hooks to navigate between applications or routes. You can use the useNavigate hook or Link component to navigate to different routes.

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

// from other remote application
const navigate = useNavigate();

<Link to="/remote/about">About</Link>

// from same remote application
<Link to="/about">About</Link>

// from host application
<Link to="/remote/about">About</Link>

Navigating from remote to host

When navigating from a remote application to the host application, you can use all react-router-dom hooks and components as usual, but you need to add the host prefix to the path.

import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom';

const navigate = useNavigate();

<Link to="/host/about">About</Link>

Copyright © 2023 jucian0.
This project is MIT licensed.