Re-write AMD files to synchronously define modules on a global namespace
Thanks to Greg Franko (@gfranko) for inspiring this work with the "amdclean" project!
Install using NPM:
npm install transmogrify-amd
This is a sample AMD module:
define("moduleA", [], function() {
Then you would use the following code to convert:
// Get the source and convert to a String.
var source = fs.readFileSync("./the/above/file").toString();
// Pass into the `clean` function, you will receive cleaned source of the file.
By default, the transmogrification defines all modules on the global scope.
window.moduleA = (function() {
Unit tests can be invoked from the command line via:
npm test
The tests assert expectations over JavaScript ASTs. See the "compareAst" project for details.
At the moment there are no pubished resources for API documentation, but fear not, you can generate the API documentation by running:
npm run jsdoc
Once that completes you can open docs/index.html in your browser.
Copyright (c) 2014 Tim Branyen & Mike Pennisi
Licensed under the MIT license.