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forked from svalinn/DAGMC-CI

This contains the files necessary to run Continuous Integration on

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This repo contains files necessary to run Continuous Integration and Test on There are two types of build-and-test:

  1. Pull-generated build-and-test

When a developer generates a pull request from a feature branch to the develop branch on ('DAGMC') a one-off batlab build-and-test is executed using the feature branch.

The pull-generated build-and-test ensures that developers do not check in code that has deleterious side effects. These tests are auto-generated and designed to runfrom the [email protected] login.


Note that the submit script does a wget for the f2c source code, unzips it and then tars it up before proceeding. This is because the platform that needs the f2c code does not have and unzip command installed.

  1. Nightly build-and-test

Nightly builds are setup manually and launched from an individual batlab account. The build created will be the develop branch.

The nightly build-and-test ensures that software dependencies and third party updates have not broken FluDAG.

It is launched from the cloned DAGMC-CI repository with


GIT Repository

The DAGMC-CI git repository lives on and is owned by the dagmcci group.

If this git repository is cloned via https you will be unable to push to github. Instead, this repository should be cloned via ssh (after adding your public ssh key to the git repository).

Submitting a job

The Pull-Request build managed by DAGMC-CI is intended to be run by a software robot, 'Polyphemer', on the dagmcci login of The scripts are pulled from the repository and placed in a directory with a locally constructed name. As such, the file copying must not reference a particular directory structure under $HOME.
Since the *.scp scripts must reference the repository subdirectory under $HOME, they will not work as intended in a $HOME substructure that differs from the repo. The script is a simple workaround to this problem.

On the run node, the script pulls the name of the directory from the run node side and uses it to write out the .scp files on the fly so the current path appended to the front will be correct with respect to the name constructed by Polyphemer.

If you are testing scripts and want to run from your own private batlab login, the job should be submitted by typing:

$ ./ // RIGHT

and not

$ ./nmi_submit // WRONG

Initiating a job

Polyphemer executes the scripts on dagmcci:batlab when a pull request is made on a DAGMC branch. The branch in question will be checked out and cloned to the submit node. NOTE: the script file in the fetch subdirectory named 'dagmc.git' specifically checks out the 'develop' branch, however this is not what happens on the submit node. 'develop' is replaced by the branch against which the pull request was made.

Removing CRON jobs from BaTLab

Note: See the Command Line Tools in the online BaTLab Reference Manual

$ nmi_list_recurring_runs

-- get the recurring run id of the job you want to kill
-- should end in .0

$ nmi_rm

$ nmi_submit

Setting up Git

Place the following lines in the home directory in a file called '.gitconfig':

[user] name = dagmcci email = [email protected] [alias] co = checkout st = status plog = log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s%Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --graph --decorate --date=relative


This contains the files necessary to run Continuous Integration on






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  • Shell 79.7%
  • C 14.8%
  • Python 5.5%