start Tamagotchi.exe [type_id = 1]
- assets/config/user.json
// Remove all comments
"music" :
"active" : true,
"pitch" : 1.0,
"volume" : 100
"window" :
"VerticalSync" : false,
"alwaysOnTop" : false,
"console" : true,
"position" :
"x" : -1,
"y" : -1
"showFPS" : true,
"titlebar" : true
- show/hide console
- show/hide titlebar
- active/disable background music
window position
x or y = -1
screen center x or y
x or y = -2
screen right x or y
x = 0...1920
y = 0...1080
Make your own assets and respect their size, name and number.
- assets/type_x
- energie 4
- angry 7
- happy 5
- loop 16
- sick 4
- sleep 9
- static 6
- waiting 5
- assets/music
- background (WAV)
- icons 8
- background 3 * x