What is Anyquery?
Anyquery is a query engine that allows you to query anything over SQL.
Whether it's a local CSV, a Google Sheet, your Apple notes, or your GitHub stars, you can query it with Anyquery.
It's built on top of SQLite, and you can use alternative languages like PRQL and PQL to query your data.
Get started at anyquery.dev
- abbb833 ✨ Add buffer flushing using functions
- 766bb11 ✨ Add colUsed field to more efficient database queries
- 527d410 ✨ Add partial updates to Notion plugin
- 93bcea9 ✨ Add support for except/intersect queries
- f7a1d9d ✨ Nicer plugin development UX.
- 5111faa ⬆️ Update Anyquery RPC version for notion
- a1a35a5 🐛 Ensure parser properly format query parameters