Dear GitHub,
Before 2007, the way to participate in Open Source was fragmented. Each project had their own workflow, patches circulated in emails, issues were reported in a myriad ways, and if anyone wanted to contribute they had to figure out every project's rules.
Then, a handful of people took the challenge to build an awesome platform and as a consequence of their hard work, their platform earned its hegemony.
Nowadays doing Open Source is infinitely easier thanks to you, GitHub. You've provided the tools and the social conventions to make those days a thing of the past. Your impact in the Open Source movement is unprecedented.
We want to express our gratitude for all you've done and do for Open Source.
GitHub, thank you very much.
- Xavier Noria (@fxn), Ruby on Rails core team member
- Jose Diaz-Gonzalez (@josegonzalez), CakePHP and Dokku core team member
- Denis Savitskiy (@sadfuzzy), Ruby on Rails engineer at Source[Lab]
- Vishnu Ks (@hackerkid), Undergrad at IIIT Allahabad
- David Pacioianu (@davidpacioianu), CEO at PixelCan
- Drew Morris (@drewry), Developer
- John Drago (@jdrago999), Developer
- Josh Kurz (@jkurz), BA
- Joshua Burns (@jdburnz), CTO at A2I Wheel & Tire
- Justin Wayne (@jcwayne), CIO at BIG Inventory
- Mark Story (@markstory), CakePHP core team member
- Luís Fernando Guedes (@fernandoguedes), Bower Contributor
- Sadjow Leão (@sadjow), Software Developer
- Keith Lewis ([@Jacrys] (, @TrinityComputers), Owner/Lead Dev at Trinity Computers
- Jacob Hamblin (@jacobhamblin), Developer
- Burak Sarıca (@buraksarica), ABIS Technology
- Paul Carey (@paulccarey), Partner at Source[Lab]
- Oussama Issaoui (@thesubr00t), Full Stack Developer at Emiketic
- Zeeshan Mughal (@zixan), Creator of UberFareEstimator
- Andrea Bergamasco (@vjandrea), Developer
- Jon Swanson (@swansong), Software Engineer at Rakuten Marketing
- Caleb Madrigal (@calebmadrigal), Software Engineer
- Sylvain Perron (@slvnperron), SE from Quebec
- Alexander Kuleshov (@0xAX), Erlang/Elixir developer at traveping, author of linux-insides
- Daniel Doubrovkine (@dblock), Ruby Grape, CTO
- Edouard Chin (@Edouard-chin), Developer
- Andrey Nering (@andreynering), Software Developer
- Adam Grant (@adamjgrant), Rails and Front end developer in Cupertino, CA
- Abdul Hagi (@ballerabdude), Software Developer at Turner Broadcasting
- Aritra Ghosh Dastidar ([@aritraghoshdastidar] (, Growth Hacker at Intuit Inc
- Vincent Grafé (@vgrafe), Developer
- Jacob Evans (@jacobtheevans), Developer
- Sagiv Ofek (@sagivo), algorithms playground maintainer
- Josh Stanfield (@p5k6), Data Engineer
- Daniel Lockard (@daniellockard), Developer
- Vikash Tiwari (@tiwarivikash), Software Engineer
- Anthony Pipkin (@apipkin), Software Developer (across various teams and companies)
- Graham Weldon (@predominant)
- Evol Mark Johnson (@ejohnsonw),, Software architect
- Blake Niemyjski (@niemyjski), Architect at Exceptionless
- Alex Clark (@aclark4life), Python Web Developer
- Cory Burgett (@baguette), Developer
- Sina Khelil (@incognos Principal Engineer at Advisory Board Company
- Matija Abicic (@matijaabicic), Head of Products at Sysrepublic Inc.
- Andrius Putna (@fordnox), Developer
- Julio Protzek (@julioprotzek), Founder at
- Seth Webster (@sethwebster), CTO at TentSquare, inc.
- Justin Aiken (@JustinAiken), Ruby on Rails engineer at UserTesting
- Milkey Mouse (@milkey-mouse), Student
- David Nuon (@davidnuon), Developer
- Phil Royer (@littletinman), Developer
- Ryan T. Hosford (@rthbound), Sr. Software Developer at ChipRewards Inc.
- David Shure (@david4shure), Software Engineer
- Chris Kottom (@chriskottom), Developer
- Mathias Bogaert (@analytically), Developer
- Eugene Istrati (@eistrati), AWS Technology Partner @ Mitoc Group and Chief Everything Officer @ DEEP Marketplace
- Carlos Alexandro Becker (@caarlos0), Developer