NLopt v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- "nlopt failure" should be recoverable (#14)
- Ctrl-C exception in REPL (#68)
- Problems with LN_PRAXIS, GN_DIRECT and others... (#70)
- Initial step size documentation incorrect (#79)
- Signal a new starting point in nested optimization (#80)
- NLopt returns BoundsError even though model is properly defined as MathProgBase model (#101)
- MethodError for opt.initial_step (#132)
- issue with pmap: document? (#146)
- Add vector constraints (#163)
- LN_COBYLA steps out of bounds (#166)
- COBYLA reports solution out of bounds (#183)
- Quits if initial point does not satisfy nonlinear constraints (#185)
- Problem setting the Local Optimizer (#189)
- Maxtime and compilation (#190)
- ReInitCache() error (#197)
- Should support for
be moved to an extension? (#203)
Merged pull requests:
- Fix copying of Opt objects (#184) (@lcontento)
- Fix typo when adding vector of constraints (#191) (@odow)
- Fix return value of ListOfModelAttributesSet in MOI_wrapper.jl (#192) (@odow)
- Throw better error when querying initial_step (#193) (@odow)
- Add license headers (#195) (@odow)
- update CI badge (#199) (@stevengj)
- Move MathOptInterface support to extension (#204) (@palday)