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This library is designed to build one or more independent IE 10+ compatible JS modules, focusing on high-performance audio and graphics.
All Javascript is written in ES6 and transpiled using Traceur and Browserify.
Originally, this stack was scaffolded using Yeoman and Babel Boilerplate.
After some refactoring, the new build stack is using Browserify and Traceur.
- Hook up unit testing
- Improve issues with packaging structure (see builds.json)
The Gulp file is setup to run a watch
and build
plan for each build listed
in the src/builds.json
Each build contains the following properties:
: the name of the build. Case sensitive.entry
: the root Javascript file.
Builds may use overlapping dependencies, but when constructed will only include the dependencies they need.
To transpile all the builds within src/builds.json
gulp build
To build a single build, do:
gulp build-[key]
So for example, to build the Narrator
gulp build-narrator
All builds will be placed in the dist
folder when completed.
Watching monitors all the files in the entire src
structure and if any of them
changes it rebuilds the currently watched build.
For example:
gulp watch-narrator
Will lint and build the Embers
build and place it in the dist/Embers
Every time any file changes in src
Gulp will rerun the build-Embers
The demos
folder can contain sub-folders, each of which is a test harness.
To serve one up in the browser, while automatically watching all src
Javascript files,
simply do:
gulp serve-[key]
only transpiles Javascript. Please do not put any HTML or CSS files in
this library. To test your Javascript, build an independent project that includes
the JS file that is generated in the dist
folder. This will allow us to create
a distinct separation of concerns and focus on making this a great JS library.