New features:
- Type-specific actions - a new cool way to declare actions for specific channel or with specific activator if you create scenario for a single channel
- AWS Lambda Support for Alexa Skills
- Google Actions session persistence support
- Kotlin version bumped to 1.4.10, and stable version of kotlinx.serialization.
- JAICP Dialog Analytics now properly splits dialogs with client into sessions.
- Support for upcoming improved Long Polling API in JAICP.
- Scalable request executors pool for JAICP connected bots.
Merged Pull Requests
#122 - AWS Lambda and Dynamo DB support for Alexa skills
#123 - JAICP Session Management
#126 - SlotFIlling Refactor
#125 - Google Actions context manager
#128 - Type-specific Actions
#129 - Kotlin 1.4.10, Ktor 1.4.0, KotlinX.Serialization 1.0
#131 - Long Polling new API and scalable request execution for JAICP