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Bootstrap 4 Boilerplate Kit for Espresso

A Boilerplate Template Kit for Espresso that speeds up your project development by providing templates, code, CSS, fonts and scripts using the Bootstrap framework.

This Boilerplate Kit's primary objective is to accelerate your development process by providing you with all the files and code needed for working with the most current release of Bootstrap - currently version 4.1.3. Not only does this Kit include all the Bootstrap CSS and JS, jQuery, Popper.js and Holder.js scripts, but it also includes 20 fully-functional example templates that you can fire up and begin using as a base for your project.

The installation instructions, along with features, what's included and how to use this template, are found by clicking on this article. This article contains the most up-to-date documentation for the boilerplate template kit.

Table of Contents

What is Included

Here is what is included in this Boilerplate Kit for Espresso.

Bootstrap 4.1.3

You get the latest, minified CSS and JavaScript files for Bootstrap 4.1.3. These are:

  • bootstrap.min.css
  • bootstrap.min.js

Vendor Scripts

The following vendor scripts are included in the template.

  1. Bootstrap 4.1.3
  2. jQuery Slim 3.3.1
  3. Popper 3.6.0
  4. Holder.js 2.9.4+cabil

Theme Templates

The Bootstrap 4 Boilerplate Kit template for Espresso includes the following 20 template variations ranging from using parts of the framework to custom components and layouts as well as Bootstrap experiments.

Here is an overview (with screenshots) of each of the included templates in the Boilerplate Kit.


Screenshot Template Screenshot Template
Starter Starter: Nothing but the basics: compiled CSS and JavaScript and navbar. Grid Grid: Multiple examples of grid layouts with all four tiers, nesting, and more.
Jumbotron Jumbotron: Build around the jumbotron with a navbar and some basic grid columns.

Custom Components

Screenshot Template Screenshot Template
Album Album: Simple one-page template for photo galleries, portfolios, and more. Pricing Pricing: Example pricing page built with Cards and featuring a custom header and footer.
Checkout Checkout: Custom checkout form showing our form components and their validation features. Product Product: Lean product-focused marketing page with extensive grid and image work.
Cover Cover: A one-page template for building simple and beautiful home pages. Carousel Carousel: Customize the navbar and carousel, then add some new components.
Blog Blog: Magazine like blog template with header, navigation, featured content. Dashboard Dashboard: Basic admin dashboard shell with fixed sidebar and navbar.
Sign-in Sign-in: Custom form layout and design for a simple sign in form. Sticky Footer Sticky Footer: Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport when page content is short.
Sticky Footer Navbar Sticky Footer Navbar: Attach a footer to the bottom of the viewport with a fixed top navbar.


Screenshot Template Screenshot Template
Navbars Navbars: Demonstration of all responsive and container options for the navbar. Navbar Static Navbar Static: Single navbar example of a static top navbar along with some additional content.
Navbar Fixed Navbar Fixed: Single navbar example with a fixed top navbar along with some additional content. Navbar Bottom Navbar Bottom: Single navbar example with a bottom navbar along with some additional content.


Screenshot Template Screenshot Template
Floating Labels Floating Labels: Beautifully simple forms with floating labels over your inputs. Offcanvas Offcanvas: Turn your expandable navbar into a sliding offcanvas menu.

Theme Options

The following screenshot outlines the various options available to you when you create a New Project within Espresso.

Theme Options


There is an optional Extras section which allows you to include extra configuration files that form part of most modern-day web projects.

In the Theme Options you will find the following settings for you to choose from:

Theme Options

These extras are:

  1. IE Classes: this includes markup in your HTML document for IE9 that will display a browser upgrade message. When selecting this option a new browser-upgrade.css file is included in your /css/ folder and is linked in your HTML markup. If you don't select this option then no additional markup or CSS is added to your HTML template.
  2. Server Extras: includes an .htaccess, robots.txt and humans.txt file in the root of your project folder. You can edit these files and customise them to your needs. This option is selected by default as these files are recommended but if you don't select them then none of these files are added to your project.
  3. Google Analytics: by including this, additional Google Analytics code is included in your markup just before the closing </body> tag. You have the option of inputting your Site ID at time of creating your template or, if you only create the GA tag later on, you can add the Site ID to the markup later on. If this option is unticked, no additional code is added to your markup.
  4. Font Awesome: includes the CSS and webfonts required for using the Font Awesome library in your projects. To use Font Awesome just add markup to your html like this <i class="fa fa-star"></i> and you will get a star icon loaded in your document. If you don't select this option then the CSS and /webfonts/ directory are not copied over into your project.


Each Bootstrap template that is generated from the Boilerplate Kit contains a range of favicons that you can customise and use in your projects.

In the HTML markup for each template you will see these meta-tags:

<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico">
<link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json"> <!-- For Android Devices. -->
<meta name="msapplication-config" content="browserconfig.xml"> <!-- For Windows and Microsoft Mobile. -->
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="img/favicons/apple-touch-icon.png"> <!-- For Apple iOS. -->
<link rel="mask-icon" href="img/favicons/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#563d7c"> <!-- For Safari. -->

The following breaks down what each of the meta-tags provide.

  • favicon.ico is the first meta-tag and sits in the root of your project folder. The favicon.ico is a compiled icon image made of 16x16, 32x32 and, in some cases, 64x64 pixel images. If you don't know how to generate a favicon.ico have a look at this resource.
  • manifest.json is used by Android devices and sits in your root folder. This json file contains the path to the various Android-specific favicon files. These files are locate in /img/favicons/ and are labelled android-chrome-192x192.png and android-chrome-512x512.png. These are the default sizes required for most Android devices.
  • browserconfig.xml is similar to the Android manifest.json but this file is specific to Windows and Microsoft devices. The browserconfig.xml contains links to Microsoft-specific favicon files. These files are located in /img/favicons/ and are prefixed with mstile-* and then the file sizes. Each of these files cover an array of Windows and Mobile device sizes.
  • apple-touch-icon is a link to the favicon used for iOS devices. There is only one size image for iOS devices as this is all you really need to provide but some developers choose to add more icons to cater for specific iOS devices. You don't need to add more but feel free to add more if you want.
  • safari-pinned-tab.svg is a link to a SVG file which is used by Safari on macOS and iOS. This is a transparent, single-colour SVG which is styled by the color="#563d7c" class in the meta-tag. This favicon is used when people add your website to their favourites and/or bookmarks and appears under the favourite sites in Safari.

VERY IMPORTANT: The files contained in /img/favicons/ are all Bootstrap favicons and you will need to redesign each of the images and SVG files in this directory (or delete what you aren't going to use in your markup). You will also need to update the <TileColor> contained in the browserconfig.xml file as well as the theme_color and background_color in the manifest.json to your website's primary colour used. The colours are all Bootstrap specific colours and need changing.

Getting Started

These instructions will get the Bootstrap 4 Boilerplate Kit template installed in Espresso on your macOS machine.


You will need a copy of Espresso running on macOS.


There are two methods to installing the Boilerplate Template Kit and these are documented below.

In Espresso

  • Download the Boilerplate Template Kit by clicking this link.
  • Extract the zip folder.
  • Open up your application on your machine.
  • Click File -> New Project (or Shift+Cmd+N)
  • Click Show Templates Folder


  • Copy the extracted folder (called bootstrap4.espressotemplate) to the Templates directory that has just opened up (see below).


The new Boilerplate Template Kit should now be available for you to use in the Espresso app when you create a New Project (see below for what you should be seeing).

new template

Via Terminal

  • Open up your application on your machine.
  • Run the following commands to checkout the project directly to your Templates folder:
$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Espresso/Templates/
$ git clone

You can now open up and the template will be available to you when you click on File -> New Project or Shift+Cmd +N.

new template


Please read the file for details on how you can get involved in the project as well as the process for submitting bugs and pull requests.

Code of Conduct

Please read the file for the guidelines that govern the community.


We use Semantic Versioning for software versions of this project. For a list of all the versions available, see the tags and releases on this repository.


View the file for a detailed list of changes, along with specific tasks completed for each version released to date.


Also see the list of contributors who have participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for full details.


Special thanks go out to the following people and projects.

  • Bootstrap - for the libraries and example code that is used in this project. Without them, this project wouldn't even exist.
  • Espresso - for their H5BP template that this was adapted from.
  • Font Awesome - the the best icon font library in the world.
  • humans.txt - for the humans.txt boilerplate file.
  • robotstxt - for the robots.txt file.
  • H5BP - for providing the .htaccess file in the extras component.
  • @justinhartman/.github - for the Github project templates.