In statistical analysis there are usually three ways to explore data for a normality contrast or normality test, where we want to find how close a given distribution is to a normal one.
- Graphical representation of the data distribution.
- Histogram
- Boxplot
- Analytic methods.
- Kurtosis
- Skewness
- Hypothesis tests.
- Shapiro-Wilk test
- D'Agostino's K-squared test
- Normalization
- Box-Cox power transformation.
The aim is to analyze how different a data is distributed compared to a Normal Distribution.
Data source: Men and women's height and weight recordings.
The data is represented via a histogram, together with a normal distribution that follows mean and standard deviation of the data.
Fig. 1. Our data already follows closely a normal distribution.A quantile-quantile plot is a probability plot, whish is as a graphical method for comparing two probability distributions by comparing their quantiles against each other.
Fig. 2. Normal Q-Q plot for weights data.The normality of a distribution can be assesed looking at the skewness of the data distribution and kurtosis.
Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry, and kurtosis is a measure of peakedness of a distribution.
In the present data, we observe a kurtosis of 0.293 and a skewness of -0.330, while the normal distribution following the data mean and std shows a kurtosis of -1.38 and skewness of 0.35.
We consider as null hypothesis the normality of the data, the alternative hypothesis is that the data does not follow a normal distribution.
The p-value of the hypothesis tests indicates the probability of obtaining a distribution such as the observed if the data comes from a normally distributed data source.
It is important to consider that the bigger the data sample observed, the more reliable the p-values will be. However, the bigger is the data sample, less sensible to tha lack of normality the parametric methods become. For this reason, it is important to consider not only the p-values, but also the graphical representations and the size of the data sample.
Following two common methods for Hypothesis testing are used to evaluate the data.
The Shapiro-Wilk test does not reject the null hypothesis since p-value > 0.005.
> from scipy import stats
> print(stats.shapiro(data)) # returns (test statistic, p-value)
(0.9898967146873474, 0.2541850805282593)
The D'Agostino's K-squared test does not reject the null hypothesis either, since p-value > 0.005.
> from scipy import stats
> print(stats.normaltest(data)) # returns (test statistic, p-value)
(4.257630726093381, 0.11897815632110796)
For the second experiment, a dataset that does not follow a normal distribution is manually transformed using a set of functions, to later run the Hypothesis Constrast on each transformed data sample to compare the amount of normalization achieved. Finally, Box-Cox power transformed [2] is used for adjusting the data distribution to a normal curve.
Data source: Solar Energy process data.
As we can see in Fig. 3, the data does not follow a Normal Distribution, its distribution is highly skewed to the right and both Hypothesis Contrast test present a p-value below 0.005, rejecting the null hypothesis.
Fig. 3. Evaluating normality of data distribution. Fig. 4. Evaluating normality of transformed data distribution using *y = sqrt(x)*. Fig. 5. Evaluating normality of transformed data distribution using *y = 1/x*. Fig. 6. Evaluating normality of transformed data distribution using *y = Ln(x)*. Fig. 7. Evaluating normality of transformed data distribution using *y = x^2*. Fig. 8. Evaluating normality of transformed data distribution using Box-Cox transformation.The fact of not being able to assume normality affects mainly to hypothesis parametrics like t-test and ANOVA. Assumptions on normality may also be present in machine learning models, e.g. linear regression assumes the residuals are normally distributed with zero-mean [3].
Since some statistical methods lack robusteness against normality, the presented methods are usefull to discover the normality of a data distribution. Furthemore, as we show in Fig. 8, Box-Cox is a family of transformation that helps to normalize a distribution, to fix the non-linearity of the data, or to fix unequal variances [4].
pip install -r requirements.txt
J. Rico (2021) Normality Tests, p-values, and data normalization with Python.
[Source code](
[1] - Analysis Normality in Python.
[2] - Box-Cox Transformation.
[3] - Data need to be normally-distributed, and other myths of linear regression.
[4] - Transformación de Box-Cox.