A simple Java library for parsing Redis RDB files.
This library does the minimal amount of work to read entries (e.g. a new DB selector, or a key/value pair with an expire time) from an RDB file, mostly limiting itself to returning byte arrays or lists of byte arrays for keys and values. The caller is responsible for application-level decisions such as how to interpret the contents of the returned byte arrays or what types of objects to instantiate from them.
For example, sorted sets and hashes are parsed as a flat list of value/score pairs and key/value pairs, respectively. Simple Redis values are parsed as a singleton. As expected, Redis lists and sets are parsed as lists of values.
Furthermore, this library performs lazy decoding of the packed encodings (ZipMap, ZipList, Hashmap as ZipList, Sorted Set as ZipList, Intset, QuickList, and ListPack) such that those are only decoded when needed. This allows the caller to efficiently skip over these entries or defer their decoding to a worker thread.
RDB files created by all versions of Redis through 7.4.x are supported (i.e., RDB versions 1 through 12). Some features, however, are not supported:
If you need these, please open an issue or a pull request.
Valkey, an open source fork of Redis 7.2, uses the same RDB format as of 8.0.x, and this library can read those as well.
To use this library, including the following dependency in your pom.xml
Javadocs are available at javadoc.io/doc/net.whitbeck/rdb-parser/.
Let's begin by creating a new Redis RDB dump file.
Start a server in the background, connect a client to it, and flush all existing data.
$ redis-server &
$ redis-cli> flushall
Now let's create some data structures. Let's start with a simple key/value pair with an expire time.> set foo bar> expire foo 3600
Then let's create a small hash and a sorted set.> hset myhash field1 val1> hset myhash field2 val2> zadd myset 1 one 2 two 2.5 two-point-five
Finally, let's save the dump to disk. This will create a dump.rdb
file in the
current directory.> save> exit
$ killall redis-server
Now let's see how to parse the dump.rdb
file from Java.
import java.io.File;
import net.whitbeck.rdbparser.*;
public class RdbFilePrinter {
public static void printRdbFile(File file) throws Exception {
try (RdbParser parser = new RdbParser(file)) {
Entry e;
while ((e = parser.readNext()) != null) {
switch (e.getType()) {
System.out.println("Processing DB: " + ((SelectDb)e).getId());
case EOF:
System.out.print("End of file. Checksum: ");
for (byte b : ((Eof)e).getChecksum()) {
System.out.print(String.format("%02x", b & 0xff));
System.out.println("Key value pair");
KeyValuePair kvp = (KeyValuePair)e;
System.out.println("Key: " + new String(kvp.getKey(), "ASCII"));
Long expireTime = kvp.getExpiretime();
if (expireTime != null) {
System.out.println("Expire time (ms): " + expireTime);
System.out.println("Value type: " + kvp.getValueType());
System.out.print("Values: ");
for (byte[] val : kvp.getValues()) {
System.out.print(new String(val, "ASCII") + " ");
Call this function on the dump.rdb
file. The output will look like:
Processing DB: 0
Key value pair
Key: myset
Values: one 1 two 2 two-point-five 2.5
Key value pair
Key: myhash
Values: field1 val1 field2 val2
Key value pair
Key: foo
Expire time (ms): 1451518660934
Value type: VALUE
Values: bar
End of file. Checksum: 157e40ad49ef13f6
As of November 2024, the most recent RDB format version is 12. The source of truth is the rdb.h file in the Redis repo. The following resources provide a good overview of the RDB format.