One-time password generator for the Nokia N900. Supports OAUTH tokens (HOTP, TOTP) as well as the Mobile-OTP algorithm.
If you wish to rebuild the package from source, then you will need a functioning Maemo 5 SDK. Then, at the root of the project, run the following commands:
$ autoreconf --force --install
$ ./configure
$ make
As of Aug. 16, 2011, this package is in the extras-devel Maemo repository. It is being promoted to extras-testing. For information on how to activate the 'Extras' repositories on your device refer to
Once the extras repositories have been enabled, install the 'otp' package, either through the 'App Manager' or by running (as root):
# apt-get install otp
Alternatively, you may download the binary package (otp_0.1-1_armel.deb) from either the Maemo repository or from Copy it to your N900 phone, and, run (as root):
# dpkg -i otp_0.1-1_armel.deb
Google uses Base32 keys for their 2-step authentication. The OTPN900 maemo program cannot use these directly, but will work fine if the Base32 key is first converted to hexadecimal before being entered into OTPN900. For a detailed tutorial, refer to the discussion here. Many thanks to Yao Wei for his help with this.
- RFC4226 for the HOTP and TOTP standard
- for a description of the MOTP algorithm