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Sean Deal edited this page Aug 18, 2015 · 8 revisions

Trilinos Hands-on Tutorial

Reference and tutorial material

Options for running examples

Student shell accounts (VECPAR 2014 only)

  • Tutorial material lives on Github

  • Steps to get started

  • Log in to

  • ssh nucN where N is one of 01, 02, ..., 09, 12, ..., 15 (omit 10 and 11)

  • cd Trilinos_tutorial

  • source ./ (loads MPI and Trilinos modules)

  • cd cmake_build

  • ./live-cmake (builds all the examples)

  • Change into build subdirectories to run examples by hand
    We may do the last one or two steps for you; stay tuned!
    You may also use the Trilinos tutorial on your computer:

  • git clone

  • cd Trilinos_tutorial

  • Modify ./live-cmake as necessary for your build environment

  • Run ./live-cmake and continue from there

HPCLinux virtual machine (VM)

  • HPCLinux VM with same build environment as the student shell accounts
  • We won"t cover this today, but you can download it and try it at home
  • NOTE: The VM file is QUITE LARGE (11116475904 bytes)
  • Download locations:
  • University of Oregon (HTTP)
  • ParaTools, Inc. (FTP)
  • VM setup instructions from ParaTools

WebTrilinos: Web interface to edit, build, and run C++ code

  • Click here to access WebTrilinos (Trilinos version 12.0 C++ API).
  • Click here to access WebTrilinos (Trilinos version 12.0, General access).
  • Click here to access WebTrilinos (Trilinos version 11.14).
  • Access to this site is password protected. Login information will be given during live tutorials as needed.
  • This page gives you a text box in which you can paste, type, or edit C++ code.
    • That code will compile and link against a recent release of Trilinos, and run.
    • The web page will show you the resulting output.
    • Use Ctrl+A to highlight all the example code, Ctrl+C to copy it, and Ctrl+V to paste it in the WebTrilinos window.
    • You can't read or write files, but you can embed input data in your program as a string.
  • WebTrilinos is installed on a server at St. John's University, MN.

MueLu virtual machine (VM)

Build Trilinos yourself on your computer

Please read the BuildScript page to learn how to set Trilinos' build configuration options.

  1. Prerequisites * C++ and C compiler * CMake version >= 2.8 * BLAS and LAPACK libraries * MPI (Message Passing Interface) (optional)
  2. Download Trilinos
  3. Find a configuration script suitable for your system.
  4. Copy the script into your build directory and modify it if necessary. * You may modify the script by hand, use the CMake graphical user interface, or use the console-based interface ccmake.
  5. Use the script to run CMake.
  6. Run make and make install. You may specify the -j <N> flag for a parallel build.

Once you have built and installed Trilinos, you may build your program with Trilinos. You have two options: use CMake, or use a Makefile.

  • CMake: See our example
  • Makefile
    1. Get an example Makefile from here.
    • Learn about the Makefile and the Makefile.export system here.
    • You can find the Makefile.export.package_name files once you have built and installed Trilinos.
    • They will be in the include directory of your installation directory.
    • Example: TrilinosInstall/include/Makefile.export.Epetra.
    1. Customize the Makefile to your situation.
    • The example Makefile uses only the Epetra package, but Makefile.export.$PACKAGE_NAME files are available for all packages.
    • You may also include Makefile.export.Trilinos to get all Trilinos packages.
    1. Add your code into a file called main.cpp and build away!

Examples illustrating Kokkos thread-scalable expressions to generate Tpetra objects

If using cmake to build your own application on an installed trilinos, use the top level CMakeLists.txt and create two subdirectories for the examples below with the files CMakeLists.txt file for KokkosBasic directory and CMakeLists.txt file for KokkosTpetra directory.

  1. Learn the basics of Kokkos * Lesson 1a: Learn how to Initialize Kokkos using functors. * Lesson 1b: Learn how to Initialize Kokkos using lambdas. * Lesson 2a: Learn how to perform a reduction using functors. * Lesson 2b: Learn how to perform a reduction using lambdas. * Lesson 3: Learn how to createa simple view. * Lesson 4: Learn the basic of memory spaces. * Lesson 5: Learn how to use atomics.
  2. Learn how to create and use Kokkos with Tpetra. * Lesson 1: Learn how to initialize Kokkos. * Lesson 2: Learn how to write a simple parallel for loop. * Lesson 3: Learn how to construct a local tridiagonal matrix using a thread-parallel approach. * Lesson 4: Learn how to construct Tpetra matrices and vectors from existing Kokkos arrays. * Lesson 5: Learn how to write a simple conjugate gradients solver with Tpetra/Kokkos.

Examples illustrating the Tpetra-based solver stack

  1. Learn how to create and use Tpetra dense and sparse linear algebra objects. * Lesson 1: "Hello world!" Learn different ways to initialize MPI (or not) and pass an MPI communicator to Tpetra. * Lesson 2: Learn how to make a Tpetra vector, given a communicator from Lesson 1. * Lesson 3: Learn how to implement a simple numerical algorithm (the power method) using Tpetra sparse matrices and vectors. * Lesson 4: Learn different ways to construct a Tpetra sparse matrix. * Lesson 5: Learn how to migrate data in a Tpetra object between two different parallel data distributions. * Advanced exercise: Learn how to compute the explicit transpose of a sparse matrix.
  2. Learn how to solve linear systems using the Belos package of iterative linear solvers, and the Ifpack2 package of preconditioners * Create an Ifpack2 preconditioner * Solve a linear system using Belos and Ifpack2

Examples illustrating the Epetra-based solver stack

Create and use Epetra dense and sparse linear algebra objects

  • Lesson 1: "Hello world!" Learn different ways to initialize MPI (or not) and pass an MPI communicator to Epetra.
  • Lesson 2: Learn how to make an Epetra vector, given a communicator from Lesson 1.
  • Lesson 3: Learn how to implement a simple numerical algorithm (the power method) using Epetra sparse matrices and vectors.
  • Lesson 4: Learn different ways to construct an Epetra sparse matrix.
  • Lesson 5: Learn how to migrate data in an Epetra object between two different parallel data distributions.

Generate test linear systems using the Galeri package

Create an algebraic preconditioner using the Ifpack package

Solve a linear system using Amesos

The Amesos package implements direct linear solvers. It wraps provides one native sparse direct solver called KLU and provides access to other community sparse direct solvers such as SuperLU. Amesos accepts Epetra data objects like any Trilinos solver.

Solve a linear system using Amesos with SuperLU

Solve a linear system using AztecOO

The AztecOO package implements iterative linear solvers. It wraps an earlier library which provided its own linear algebra implementation. !AztecOO can also work with Epetra matrices and vectors, and any preconditioner that implements Epetra_Operator. The latter includes Ifpack preconditioners.

Solve a linear system using ML and AztecOO

The ML package implements multilevel solvers, including algebraic multigrid. You may use ML's solvers as preconditioners if you like; this is the way most of our users use ML. The following examples show how to do this with the iterative linear solvers provided by the AztecOO package.

Solve a linear system using Belos

The Belos package implements iterative linear solvers. Unlike AztecOO, Belos can work with just about any linear algebra implementation. Belos also provides block solvers and other algorithmic optimizations, like subspace recycling. Once you learn how to use Belos with Epetra objects, it is easy to learn how to use Belos with Tpetra or other linear algebra implementations.

Solve a nonlinear system using NOX

The NOX package implements iterative nonlinear solvers.

Solve eigenvalue problems using Anasazi

The Anasazi package implements several different iterative solvers for both standard (A x = \lambda x) and generalized (K x = \lambda M x) eigenvalue problems. The first two examples show the simple use case of finding a few of the eigenvalues of largest magnitude:

The next two examples show how to use inverse iteration with Block Krylov-Schur to find a few of the eigenvalues of smallest magnitude. You may use just about any linear solver for inverse iteration. The following examples illustrate this for two different Trilinos linear solvers.

Zoltan tutorial

The Zoltan developers generously contributed a hands-on tutorial of their own.

Examples illustrating other packages

  1. PyTrilinos tutorial materials. * PyTrilinos tutorial slides * WebTrilinos for Python * Solve a simple 2D Laplace problem using PyTrilinos
  2. Learn how to use utilities in the Teuchos package. * Basic Support Tools

Other examples

Some examples don't work with the web tutorial, since they read from files. You can try them out by downloading Trilinos and looking in the examples in the source tree. For example, the Intrepid discretizations package has examples in the packages/trilinoscouplings/examples/scaling/ directory. The following might be of interest:

  • example_CurlLSFEM.cpp: driver for solving div-curl first order system in 3D with tangential boundary condition using curl-conforming elements
  • example_DivLSFEM.cpp: driver for the same system with normal boundary condition and div-conforming elements
  • example_Poisson.cpp: solving the Poisson equation using a Galerkin finite element method

Learning more:

Wiki Pages
Trilinos Hands On Tutorial
[Zoltan Hands On Tutorial] (ZoltanHandsOnTutorial)

Trilinos Home Page
Trilinos "Getting Started"

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