An 8-channel EEG Pi Pico W shield, based off of OpenBCI's Cyton Biosensing Board, for 1/10th the price.
The heart of this PCB is a Texas Instrument's ADS1299, a low noise, 8-Channel, Analog-to-Digital Converter.
- Update your SSID and PASSWORD in the pico/ file
- Upload the to the Pi Pico W
- Run the pico/ on the Pico Pi W and note the printed IP
- Unplug the Pi Pico W from the PC and place it into the PCB
- Update the PICO_IP in the computer/ file
- Run the computer/ on a PC
- Plug a 3.7V Lipo battery into the PCB
- Blinking LED == Connecting, Solid LED == Succesfully streaming to PC