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Management Tools

A collection of Python scripts and packages to simplify OS X management.



Download the latest installer here!

System Requirements

Management Tools has been tested to work with Mac OS X 10.8 through 10.10, and uses Python version 2.7.


If you have any comments, questions, or other input, either file an issue or send an email to us. Thanks!


To remove Management Tools from your system, download the .dmg and run the "Uninstall Management Tools" package to uninstall it. (Note that it will say "Installation Successful" but don't believe it - it will only remove files.)

Get Current Version

If you want to find your currently-installed Management Tools version, simply do:

$ python -m management_tools.__init__
Management Tools, version: x.y.z

Note that this will only work from version 1.6.3 on.


In Python, modules are designed to be imported into another project to make your life easier. These can be integrated into your packages by simply using:

from package import module

# Or if you want a particular method from within a module:
from package.module import method

# For example, if we want the app_info module:
from management_tools import app_info

# Or just the AppInfo class:
from management_tools.app_info import AppInfo


This module contains a class, AppInfo, which can be used to get information about applications. Generally, you will do:

from management_tools.app_info import AppInfo

Then the class can be used to get information. It requires an argument upon creation which should tell it something identifiable about the application, such as a valid short name, a bundle path, or a bundle identifier. Once it has been created, you can access various useful bits about the application.

app = AppInfo('application name')

app.path  # This reports the /path/to/the/
app.plist # Returns a PlistEditor of the application's informational property
          # list, generally located at <app.path>/Contents/Info.plist   # The application's bundle identifier  # The full name of the application

So, for example, if we use as our application (this is in interactive mode):

>>> from management_tools.app_info import AppInfo
>>> app = AppInfo('')
>>> app.path
'/Applications/Web Browsers/'
>>> app.plist
/Applications/Web Browsers/

Alternatively, the information can also be returned more simply for outputting purposes:

>>> from management_tools.app_info import AppInfo
>>> app = AppInfo('safari')
>>> app
    Path:       /Applications/Web Browsers/
    Info.plist: /Applications/Web Browsers/

Finding Bundle Identifiers Manually

Bundle identifiers are the method Apple uses to manage its TCC databases. The AppInfo class is good at finding them, but maybe you want to know more about where to find them yourself (for some reason).

In general, BIDs can be found in an application's Info.plist file. If your application is located at /Applications/, then the plist file will most likely be located at /Applications/ Within this plist, you'll need to search for the string corresponding to the key CFBundleIdentifier. So we could do:

$ defaults read /Applications/ CFBundleIdentifier

The CFBundleIdentifier key is supposed to be included for every application. If it's not there, then the application's developers did something wrong (or maybe they just did something different for a very particular reason).

Brett Terpstra detailed a shell script to help with looking these up, which I will reproduce here for your convenience:

# Allows for searching of Bundle IDs by application name
# Written by Brett Terpstra
bid() {
	local shortname location

	# combine all args as regex
	# (and remove ".app" from the end if it exists due to autocomplete)
	shortname=$(echo "${}"|sed 's/ /.*/g')
	# if the file is a full match in apps folder, roll with it
	if [ -d "/Applications/$" ]; then
	else # otherwise, start searching
		location=$(mdfind -onlyin /Applications -onlyin ~/Applications -onlyin /Developer/Applications 'kMDItemKind==Application'|awk -F '/' -v re="$shortname" 'tolower($NF) ~ re {print $0}'|head -n1)
	# No results? Die.
	[[ -z $location || $location = "" ]] && echo "$1 not found, I quit" && return
	# Otherwise, find the bundleid using spotlight metadata
	bundleid=$(mdls -name kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier -r "$location")
	# return the result or an error message
	[[ -z $bundleid || $bundleid = "" ]] && echo "Error getting bundle ID for \"$@\"" || echo "$location: $bundleid"

If you were to put this in your source file (e.g. .bash_profile), you can simply call it as a command and it will search for your application and return both the app's location and its bundle ID:

$ bid safari


Sometimes you might want to get information about mounted filesystems. Command line tools such as df and mount are useful if you're a human, but they leave something to be desired if you write a lot of scripts. Enter fs_analysis - a Python module designed to help you gather information on mounted filesystems.

fs_analysis has three methods for polling the system about mounted filesystems:

  1. get_responsible_fs(target) finds which filesystem contains the given file or directory. The return value is the name of the filesystem, such as '/dev/disk0s2'.
  2. get_raw_fs_info(fs_name) returns the mount information for the given filesystem, which will include the mount point and mount options.
  3. get_raw-fs_usage(mount_point) gives output from df -P -k $mount_point (but without the headers that df usually puts on the first line).


Additionally (and most importantly), fs_analysis introduces a Filesystem class. To initialize a Filesystem object, you must supply the constructor with the raw device name of the filesystem you want it to keep track of. Sometimes you may not know the device name but you might know a file or folder on the specified device, or even the mount point. Here's how I initialize my Filesystem objects:

from management_tools import fs_analysis

device_name = fs_analysis.get_responsible_fs('/path/to/target')
fs_object   = fs_analysis.Filesystem(device_name)

Objects of this type keep track of various bits of information regarding a particular filesystem:

Property Name Description
name The raw device name for the filesystem (e.g. /dev/disk2s1).
mount_point Where the device is mounted (e.g. /Volumes/MyFavoriteDisk).
type What type of filesystem it is (HFS, NTFS, FAT, etc.).
kblocks Total number of 1024-byte blocks on the device.
kblocks_used Number of 1024-byte blocks that are used.
kblocks_free Number of 1024-byte blocks available for use. (kblocks_free + kblocks_used = kblocks)
bytes Total number of bytes on the device (computed as 1024 x kblocks).
bytes_used Number of bytes that are used (computed as 1024 x kblocks_used).
bytes_free Number of bytes remaining unused (computed as 1024 x kblocks_free).
capacity The percentage of space that has been used. (This is a rounded integer computed as kblocks_used / kblocks by the system.)
properties Any other properties the device may have (e.g. HFS, remote, nosuid, journaled, read-only, etc.).

Additionally, the Filesystem object's data can be refreshed by using the update() method. This will cause the object to re-poll the system and gather new usage data.

Note that the properties are otherwise designed to be immutable, since they are descriptions of filesystems and not values for you to modify directly. I did this to ensure greater safety when using these objects. (What I mean is: you can't do fs_object.bytes = 100 or something like that.)


In our deployment, we like to log stuff. Logging things is a useful way to record information for later perusal, which can be quite helpful. Since I kept having to copy/paste our logging mechanisms from script to script, I just created a dedicated logging module.

There are three classes in this module: the generic Logger, and the more specific FileLogger and StreamLogger (which both extend the base Logger class). FileLogger is used to output information to a file and/or the console, and StreamLogger only outputs information to the console.


The FileLogger class is built on a rotating file handler. The default is set to keep five backup files (so up to six files total) that are 10MB each. This logger can also output information to the console, allowing an easy way to output information and control verbosity while logging everything. The default log location is either /var/log/management/ for administrators with write access to that directory, or else ~/Library/Logs/Management/ for non-privileged users.

Example Usage
>>> from management_tools.loggers import FileLogger
>>> logger = FileLogger('test')
>>>"This is regular information.")
INFO: This is regular information.
>>> logger.debug("Super verbose (not logged by default, unless the level is changed).")
>>> logger.error("This is an error.")
ERROR: This is an error.
>>> logger.fatal("Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!")
CRITICAL: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

If we then go and look in (assuming this was run unprivileged) ~/Library/Logs/Management/test.log:

2015-02-26 10:04:12,238 INFO: This is regular information.
2015-02-26 10:04:22,614 ERROR: This is an error.
2015-02-26 10:04:26,206 CRITICAL: Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

There is also a file_logger method to provide backwards compatibility with scripts written to use Management Tools versions less than 1.6.0:

def file_logger(name=None, level=INFO, path=None):


StreamLogger is used in situations where you want to provide a logger, but you may not want to write the data to file. I use this in scripts where I give the user the option of enabling logging through a command line flag. If they specify that they do not want information logged to a file, a StreamLogger is used in place of the FileLogger.

By default, StreamLogger does not have the print_default field set to True. Instead, it redirects the actual log messages (with timestamps et al) and prints those to the console.

As with the FileLogger, there is also a stream_logger method to provide backwards compatibility with scripts written to use Management Tools versions less than 1.6.0:

def stream_logger(level=DEBUG):

General Logger Specifics

To easily get a logger with the default specifications, the module provides a method for each logger: FileLogger has file_logger(), and StreamLogger has stream_logger(). Simply do:

>>> from management_tools.loggers import stream_logger
>>> logger = stream_logger()
>>>"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.")
2015-02-26 12:11:50,837 INFO: Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

In most of my scripts, I allow the user to specify whether log events will be outputted to file, and if they are where to put that file. To make my life easier (and possibly yours too!), there is now a method to allow the programmatic generation of loggers appropriate to these options: get_logger().

def get_logger(name=None, log=False, level=INFO, path=None):

A simple usage example would be:

>>> from management_tools.loggers import get_logger
>>> logger = get_logger(name='fjords', log=True, path='/zz9/earth/norway')

This would return a FileLogger, set to generate a file at /zz9/earth/norway/fjords.log. If log were set to False, the file would not be used.

Logging Levels and Methods

There are six different logging levels supported (all of them except for VERBOSE copy their values from the standard logging module):

Logging Level Default Value
ERROR 40 (logging.ERROR)
WARNING 30 (logging.WARNING)
INFO 20 (logging.INFO)
DEBUG 10 (logging.DEBUG)

Each of these levels of logging also has a corresponding method for generating logging output. Assuming you have a Logger object named logger:

Method Purpose
logger.critical Fatal errors that impede program flow.
logger.error Important errors that may yield undesired results.
logger.warning Issues that are not halting, but not ideal. Regular information.
logger.debug Debugging information.
logger.verbose Very detailed information.
Controlling Output

The console output can be controlled. Each of the logging methods has a signature such as:

def info(self, message, print_out=None, log=None):

print_out and log take booleans for arguments. If you pass True to both (the default for FileLogger), you get output to both the console (print_out) and the logging file (log). The defaults can be changed by modifying the logger's print_default and log_default fields, for example:

>>> from management_tools.loggers import FileLogger
>>> logger = FileLogger('test')
>>>"This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.")
INFO: This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
>>> logger.print_default = False
>>>"For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.")
>>> logger.log_default = False
>>>"Oh no, not again!")
>>>"So long, and thanks for all the fish!", print_out=True)
INFO: So long, and thanks for all the fish!

If we then go and look in ~/Library/Logs/Management/test.log (assuming this was run unprivileged):

2015-02-26 11:37:44,394 INFO: This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
2015-02-26 11:38:00,347 INFO: For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen.
Custom Prompts

When log messages are outputted to the console, they are by default prepended with their logging level name (in all caps). You can override the prompt for each level. Note that this is only for console output and not for the actual log messages.

>>> from management_tools import loggers
>>> logger = loggers.StreamLogger('ford', loggers.INFO, True, False)
>>>"How would you react if I said that I'm not from Guildford at all, but from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse?")
INFO: How would you react if I said that I'm not from Guildford at all, but from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse?
>>> logger.set_prompt(loggers.INFO, 'Ford: ')
>>>"The point is that I am now a perfectly safe penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!")
Ford: The point is that I am now a perfectly safe penguin, and my colleague here is rapidly running out of limbs!


Many Apple services and applications utilize property list files, usually referred to simply as 'plists'. These files can be modified to contain all kinds of information.

However, editing the files can be somewhat of a hassle. Since Mac OS X 10.9 "Mavericks", plist files are periodically cached and then rewritten asynchronously to the disk. What this means is that if you modify a plist with a plaintext editor, there is no guarantee that the changes will remain permanently. This is not exactly the ideal way for things to be done.

OS X contains a command called defaults. This command provides the necessary mechanism to modify plist files without the asynchronous caching having a negative effect on your work. This plist_editor module contains a class, PlistEditor, which allows you to modify plist files using this defaults command (but without you having to actually make the calls).

from management_tools.plist_editor import PlistEditor

plist = PlistEditor('/path/to/file.plist')


Lots of teams are using the neat Slack application for communication. Slack also provides an easy-to-use API for setting up bots, which our team decided to use to report problems in a sort of makeshift dashboard. To make that job even easier, I've added a high-level class for interacting with a Slack Incoming Webhook.

from management_tools.slack import IncomingWebhooksSender

The IncomingWebhooksSender is able to abstract away a lot of the effort of posting to your Slack team. The constructor takes an integration URL (provided when you activate Incoming Webhooks for a given channel) and can additionally take the following arguments:

Argument Purpose
bot_name The name for your bot, like "testbot" or "Errors From My Script".
icon_url You can specify a URL to an image that your bot will use as an avatar.
icon_emoji You can also use any of the available Slack emojis as an icon. This overrides icon_url.
channel The default channel for your bot. Any bot can post to any channel, though.
markdown Whether your bot supports Markdown formatting. The default is True.

And an IncomingWebhooksSender object has the following public methods:

Method Purpose
send_message(message) Sends a text message with all default settings.
send_message_to_channel(message, channel) Sends a text message to a specific channel with all default settings.
success(message?) Sends a check mark and a message (if given).
warning(message?) Sends a warning sign with a message (if given).
error(message?) Sends a red circle with a message (if given).
send_dictionary(dictionary) Converts a dictionary to JSON and sends it. This is to get around any restrictions in the object.

(Where arguments with a ? are optional.)

The Slack API's documentation on incoming webhooks can be found here.

As an example, say you have the incoming webhook URL To use this with IncomingWebhooksSender, do:

from management_tools.slack import IncomingWebhooksSender as IWS
url = ""
bot = IWS(url, bot_name="My Test Bot", channel="#bot-channel")
bot.send_message("This is a test!")
bot.send_message_to_channel("Another test...", "#different-channel")

Note that your channel names must start with either # for regular channels or @ for direct messages. You'll get an error if you don't use one of those. However, if you choose to leave the channel blank then your bot will post to the default channel for your incoming webhook URL.


The scripts are mostly just simple frontends for using the modules above. For example: perhaps you want to log something, but you don't want to go through the trouble of importing the logger and setting it up. Instead, just use the Management Logger script and it will do the work for you.

App Lookup

This serves as a quick interface to the app_info module. When calling the script, simply supply identifiers for applications and it will return the application's given name, bundle ID, path, and Info.plist path.

$ safari
    Path:      /Applications/Web Browsers/
    Info.Plist /Applications/Web Browsers/

Python Executable Bundler

A while ago I learned that Python scripts can be bundled together in standalone 'executables'. I did this manually for a while, and then created this script to automate it.

Effectively what happens is this takes the Pythonic contents of a directory (i.e. all the .py files) and compresses them into a zipped structure. A shebang is catted in to the zip and then chmoded to produce an 'executable'. Note that that main entrance point of the script must be named for this to work properly.

Usage of the script is simple. If you are within the directory of Python files:

$ -o mybundle
  adding: (deflated 71%)
  adding: (deflated 67%)

You will then find a file named mybundle in the current directory that can be run with:

$ ./mybundle

This produces the same results as:

$ python

Management Logger

The Management Logger is an interface for the file_logger from above. Calling Management Logger allows you to easily write a log entry to a file quickly and efficiently. Calling the script involves:

$ file "This is an entry in my log."

This will log the line "This is an entry in my log." to a file named file.log located in one of two places: either /var/log/management/ if the calling user has root privileges, or else ~/Library/Logs/Management/.

Management Email

Management Email is designed to allow your scripts to send emails easily and with minimal setup. The script has many options available, but generally only a couple of them need to actually be supplied:

Option Purpose
-h, --help Prints usage instructions.
-v, --version Prints version information.
-n, --no-log Prevents logs from being written to file (instead they'll come through stdio).
-l log, --log log Uses log as the destination for logging output.
-f file, --file file Attaches file to the email as a plaintext document.
-u subject, --subject subject Places subject in the message header.
-s server, --smtp-server server Send the mail through server.
-p port, --smtp-port port Connect to the server via port port.
-U user, --smtp-username user Connect to the server as user.
-P pass, --smtp-password pass Connect to the server with password pass.
-F address, --smtp-from address Send the mail from address.
-T address, --smtp-to address Send the mail to address.

Additionally, a message can be supplied by itself in a quoted string.

In an effort to simplify administration, many of the options can be set through environment variables. These variables are:

Variable Name Correlating command-line flag
MANAGEMENT_SMTP_SERVER -s, --smtp-server
MANAGEMENT_SMTP_PORT -p, --smtp-port
MANAGEMENT_SMTP_USER -U, --smtp-username
MANAGEMENT_SMTP_PASS -P, --smtp-password

Environment variables can easily be set by running a command such as:


Note that environment variables must be declared using the export functionality for the script to be able to pick up on them. It is conceivable to have these set globally, but that is outside the scope of this summary.

Python Package Creator

The Python Package Creator (also 'PyPkg') will create an OS X-compatible .pkg file containing the contents of a Python project. The project must use the system, which is documented here. If you aren't using this system to manage your Python projects, you may want to consider changing to it.

There are a few options that can be given to the script:

Option Purpose
-h, --help Prints usage information.
-v, --version Prints version information.
--dirty Prevents cleanup after the package has been created.
--no-image Does not produce the .dmg file and instead leaves the .pkgs in a pkgs subfolder.
--name file_name The name of the .pkg file will be file_name. The special values #NAME and #VERSION can be used to get the name and version information from
--pkg-version version Manually sets the version information for the package, both for the name and for the package's receipt once installed.
--dest destination The .pkg file will be created at destination. Note that this is relative to the path given to the script.
--extras directory The contents of directory will be added to the top level of the disk image produced. This is useful for readmes and configuration files.
--sign signature Allows you to digitally sign the package with an identity so that it will be trusted. See Apple's documentation on code signing.
--python python_executable The script will be run using the Python executable at python_executable.

As an example, this Management Tools package (in the /pkg/ directory) was created by running the following from within the Management Tools directory:

$ ./ --python /usr/bin/python --dest pkg


PyPkg automatically produces another .pkg file to uninstall whatever package you just produced. You can simply double-click it and it will remove the contents of the previously-installed package, and it will also forget that package from the receipts database. This is significantly easier than the previous method of running an uninstallation script from the terminal. By default this uninstallation package will be produced on the same level as the installation package, so you will be able to decide how to distribute them.

Update History

This is a reverse-chronological list of updates to this project.

Date Version Update Description
2016-02-03 1.9.1 Updated Slack module and documentation.
2015-10-13 1.9.0 Added Slack incoming webhooks module. This allows easy bot-posting via the Slack API.
2015-03-26 1.8.1 Updated fs_analysis.Filesystem objects to have bytes properties.
2015-03-20 1.8.0 Introduced fs_analysis - simple filesystem information for Python.
2015-02-26 1.7.0 Significant rewrite of the loggers module. Provides greater flexibility and more options in the creation of logger objects.
2015-02-24 1.6.4 Custom logging prompts.
2015-02-19 1.6.3 Now you can get the current installed version of Management Tools by doing python -m management_tools.__init__!
2015-02-06 1.6.2 Logging level update (it was broken before).
2015-02-05 1.6.1 Can now set the logging level in get_logger() method.
2015-02-05 1.6.0 Massive overhaul of loggers system. Now there's a Logger class that can be used more easily.
2014-07-15 1.5.13 PyPkg now supporst an "extras" directory option. Useful for readmes and config files for your package deployments.
2014-06-26 1.5.10 Signing update. PyPkg supports code developer signatures. Good for deploying.
2014-06-26 1.5.9 After building the installation and uninstallation packages, PyPkg now wraps them in a disk image.
2014-06-26 1.5.8 Removed the uninstallation script and now PyPkg produces real uninstallation packages. Much better.
2014-06-25 1.5.7 Adjusted paths that were causing issues.
2014-06-25 1.5.6 Set custom version numbers for packages made with PyPkg.
2014-06-24 1.5.4 Can now prevent PyPkg from doing post-clean (leaving files in-place to be perused).
2014-06-24 1.5.2 PyPkg now supports custom installation locations.
2014-06-24 1.5.1 New uninstaller script for PyPkg.
2014-06-23 1.5.0 Started on the "Python Package Creator" ( Much better than the executable bundler from before.
2014-06-16 1.4.0 Added new script for sending of emails.
2014-06-11 1.3.2 Increased the size of log files to 10MB.
2014-05-14 1.3.1 now finds applications' executable files.
2014-05-07 1.2.1 Updated and significant improvements to README documentation.
2014-05-02 1.2 Changed project name from "Helpful Tools" to "Management Tools". Probably a good move.
2014-04-22 0.9 Began the project as a merge of some in-house tools.


A collection of scripts and packages to simplify OS X management.







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