PHPUnit is the standard in testing PHP code. Etsy uses a lot of PHP and tests help us maintain quality while taking continuous deployment to the extreme. We have encountered a few use cases here an there that let us work with PHPUnit better and faster, and we thought it would be awesome to share with everyone.
- Asserts
- Constraints
- Database
- Helpers
- Mock Object
- Mockery
- Multiple Database
- Ticket Listener
- PHPUI Command Experimental!!
See PEAR Channel
Version > 0.3.x requires PHP 5.3.6
Version < 0.2.x requires PHP 5.2.9
You're interested in contributing to Etsy PHPUnit Extensions?
Here are the basic steps:
fork phpunit-extensions from here:
- Clone your fork
- Hack away
- If you are adding new functionality, document it in the Wiki
- If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors
- Push the branch up to GitHub
- Send a pull request to the etsy/phpunit-extensions project.
We'll do our best to get your changes in!
In lieu of a list of contributors, check out the commit history for the project: