Convert checkpoint from offical tensorflow StyleGAN2 to pytorch StyleGAN2
Python 3.6
Pytorch >= 1.4.0.
Tensorflow-gpu==1.14.0 (Offical StyleGAN2 recommended)
CUDA 10.0 needed to compile some ops from dnnlib
python --tf_cp *tensorflow checkpoint path*
--output_path *output pytorch checkpoint path*
You can download pytorch checkpoint from google drive provided by editGAN and tensorflow checkpoint (stylegan2-car-config-f.pkl) from google drive provided by StyleGAN2, and compare the weight diff (should be zero) between official tensorflow checkpoint and pytorch checkpoint.
python --compare true
To load the converted checkpoint, you can
import pickle
with open(*checkpoint path*, 'rb') as f
checkpoint_data = pickle.load(f)
net.load_state_dict(checkpoint_data, strict=False)