MiniLaTeX is a subset of LaTeX that can be rendered
into pdf by standard tools such as pdflatex
into HTML by a suitable application, e.g.,
MiniLateX Demo
or For a technical discussion,
see the Hackernoon article,
Towards LaTeX in the Browser.
You can also experiment with MiniLaTeX using this Ellie.
Example. First, import MiniLatex
> import MiniLatex.Driver as MiniLatex
Second, make these definitions
> text = "\\begin{itemize}\n\\item Eggs\n\\item Milk\n\\item Bread\n\\end{itemize}"
> macroDefinitions = ""
Third, run MiniLatex.render
> MiniLatex.render marcroDefinitions text
to get the HTML
"<p>\n \n<ul>\n <li class=\"item1\"> Eggs</li>\n <li class=\"item1\"> Milk</li>\n <li class=\"item1\"> Bread</li>\n\n</ul>\n\n</p>"
: String
In this case, there are no macro definitions; the rendered text is
<li class="item1"> Eggs</li>
<li class="item1"> Milk</li>
<li class="item1"> Bread</li>
If your applications simply renders strings of MiniLatex
text to HTML, Driver.renderMiniLatex
is all you
need from this package. If you wish to do some
kind of live editing on a piece of text, there is a another,
slightly more complex method which involves the notion of
an EditRecord
. An EditorRecord keeps track of various
types of information about the text being processed, e.g.,
a list of paragraphs and a list of rendered paragraphs.
When the document is changed, then rendered, the update
function figures out which paragraphs have changed, renders
them, and updates the list of rendered paragraphs accordingly.
Other optimizations for rendering equations by Mathjax require
a "random" integer seed. Its role is explained in the documentation
of the Differ
An edit record record can be set up using MiniLatex.setup
It is generally stored in the application model, e.g.,
seed = 1234
model.editRecord = MiniLatex.setup seed text
At this point, editRecord
contains a list of strings
representing paragraphs of the text, and another list of
strings representing those paragraphs rendered into HTML.
To extract the rendered text from the EditRecord
, use
MiniLatex.getRenderedText macroDefinitions editRecord
Here macroDefinitions
is a string representing
macros that MathJax will use in rendering mathematical text.
Here is an example:
\newcommand{\sett}[2]{\{ #1 | #2 \}}
Note that the definitions are enclosed in double dollar signs.
To update the EditRecord
with modified text, use
MiniLatex.update seed editRecord text
The integer seed should be either chosen at random or given sequentially.
In applications which make use of an EditRecord
in the model, you will need to initialize that data
structure. For this use the 0-ary emptyEditRecord
e.g., model.editRecord = emptyEditRecord
To summarize, most work can be done with five points of contact with the MiniLatex API:
MiniLatex.render macroDefinitions text : String
MiniLatex.setup seed text : EditRecord
MiniLatex.getRenderedText macroDefs editRecord : String
MiniLatex.update seed editRecord text : EditRecord
MiniLatex.emptyEditRecord : EditRecord
The above assumes import MiniLatex.Driver as MiniLatex
I wish to acknowledge the generous help that I have received throughout this project from the community at, with special thanks to Ilias van Peer (@ilias).