Documentation for guitar practicing.
Written in restructuredtext (RST).
Python 3 enchant (for spelling) - see
The youtube::
directive embeds a video in the HTML, eg:
.. youtube:: -NVHoHPUAmM
:width: 640
:height: 480
You can specify the start time:
.. youtube:: 5Nd7EZ3k39s?start=124
We use Vextab. The project includes Vextab's in html pages.
Use the Vextab tutorial to work out the music data, and then use the custom vextab
directive to embed it in a page, e.g.:
.. vextab::
=|: :16 5u/1 8d/2 5u/1 8d-6u-5d-6u-8d/2 =:|
See docs/_ext/
for other examples and notes.
Link to a technique:
Here is a link to :tech:ref:`slowpractice`
Linking to other .rst pages:
- If the other page has a label defined with
.. _reading-rhythms:
, you can do this:
Here is a link :ref:`reading-rhythms`
If the other page doesn't have a label, these work:
# Use the page heading
:ref:`theory/reading-rhythms:Reading rhythms`
# Use relative path to get to doc
# Link to specific heading
:ref:`theory/reading-rhythms:The Basics`
External links:
`Link text <http://target>`_
"to-do" items are indicated with the .. todo::
directive, and output at todo.html
using make html
Put three spaces in front, and then a link at the end followed by 2 underscores. eg:
Text `name, source <http>`__
$ pushd docs; tree -d -I '_build|__pycache__'; popd
├── _ext # custom extensions for directives (eg 'vextab')
├── _static
│ ├── audio # audio files for examples
│ └── img # images
├── _templates # overrides for header, footer
├── examples # example licks
├── scores # music
├── techniques # the actual techniques
└── theory # how to read music, etc
... clone and cd to the project directory
# Activate the virtual env
source env/bin/activate
# or '.\env\Scripts\activate' for Windows
# Verify
which python
# or 'where python' for Windows
# Install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# work work work
If under and overline are used, their length must be identical. The length of the underline must be at least as long as the title itself.
Chapter 1
Section 1
List all todos:
make todos
During dev it's helpful to have a separate process running that auto-rebuilds using
# in new terminal tab in root
source env/bin/activate
Then open and you'll see the docs.
If you add something, freeze it:
pip3 install ytsphinx # e.g.
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
git add requirements.txt
git commit -m "Added ytsphinx" # e.g.
Vextab is great, but there are a few small tweaks needed.
The changes are in
Checkout that repo in a sibling directory, and build it (npm run build-dev
Then copy the dev js to this project:
Run this in the top directory of this project:
pushd ../vextab
npm run build-dev
pushd docs/_static/
cp ../../../vextab/dist/
git status
pushd docs
make clean html
cd docs
make html
# or:
# make clean html
cd project-root
sphinx-build -b spelling docs docs/_build/